College Park is going to be a party tonight! Either way. If they win however, I may not go out for a week! Go TERPS!! -Peace, Dave
I believe Bloomington will be the big party tonite college park wannabes will be crying in their kegs GO BIG RED
booo hiss to the illini fans who forsake the midwest. btw, that was my first color post. I just had to try it!
Diva, how's that party in Bloomington? Looks like the wannabee's are now the bees. And the Hoosiers are the beens. There is still time to make it to College Park if you wanna party with winners. LBowman, Terrapin Station! What a Looooong strange trip it's been! Too bad Cole Field House only gets the banner for a little bit of time, but at least it held the banner before it fell. Yahooooooooo Terps!!!!!!!!! -Peace, Dave