EXP Procedures ?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Desdemona, Apr 2, 2002.

  1. Desdemona

    Desdemona Well-Known Member

    Could someoone explain to me like Iâ??m five, what should I receive from Experian when I request a description of the procedures used to determine the accuracy and completeness of a disputed account.

    What I received today was the following:
    Was previously investigated on 2/05/2002

    If I need further information about this item, I may wish to contact the source.

    Am I just stupid or something?
  2. neosmatrix

    neosmatrix Well-Known Member

    same thing i got when i sent procedure letter....
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I'm getting ready to file on Ex and that is one of my causes of action. I requested no less than six procedural requests and did not receive a response to any of them.

    My CA case is going to settle (I am going to accept their offer tomorrow) and then its on to bigger fish to fry.

  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    What you should receive is a description of the method used to verify, was it by phone, fax, mail etc. Who at RNB verified it and on what date did they verify it and the name, address and ph # for RNB.
  5. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Judging from their response, that must be their presumption. And if the consumer accepts this BS, then that presumption was probably right.

  6. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member

    I sent a procedure request and they never replied, but they put the accounts I inquired about back into dispute. My guess is that they never really verified the accounts in the the first place and are attepmting to perform a retroactive CYA. I suppose I'll wait to see what happens.
  7. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    Same with me. I sent Experian a procedure request two months ago. What I got back was a copy of my credit report that basically said the address for XYZ company is on your report, call information and get their number they'll tell you how they verified. This is such a load of crap. I firmly believe that Experian does not investigate half of what they say the do.

  8. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    Digging a deeper hole...

    I would highly recommend using the address that Experian claims to say they utilize in their investigations. If your validation/dispute to the creditor or CA is returned due to invalid address, you've just been given a luscious piece of evidence to use against them.

    Something similar happened to me with EXP. I was disputing an unauthorized inquiry online from a finance company called CIT Group. I mailed them a notification to remove the inquiry and the letter came back due to the address being invalid. Likewise, after a week of my returned letter, I noticed that the CIT Group inquiry was the first to be deleted (compared to the other 5 in dispute). Too bad...the "fish that got away."

    I absolutely love it when EXP tells me to use their address on the CR. I'm currently doing a creditor inquiry on two companies...since EXP told me so after my request for procedures.

    Gee...I hope those letters don't get returned....for their (EXP) sake...


  9. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Digging a deeper hole...

    Ditto for me, Ted. First I wrote to the address of the place where I used to live. It as returned. Then I was given an address by Equifax for this account after they verified. I wrote...it was returned. I called up Equifax and they gave me a second address. I wrote..it was returned. I called up again and was told "gee, those are the only two addresses we have for this creditor". Grrrrr! Okay, so off I send my dispute to Equifax enclosing copies of the returned envelopes and asking how they verified if the only two addresses they have are returned by the post office marked "not deliverable as addressed". It will be a while before I hear back on this, but oh they are so busted!

  10. shopnspend

    shopnspend Active Member

    Re: Digging a deeper hole...

    I have a similar situation. I got the source address and it was returned to me. I sent a letter to Experian asking how they could verify without the correct address and they did not respond. I called them and they said that they verify by address or computer so if the address is wrong then it was verified by computer and there is nothing that I could do.
  11. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: Digging a deeper hole...

    Now this is what I'm trying to figure out...and maybe someone knows. When they verify by computer, are they using the tapes sent in with the information to verify or are they electronically sending the UDF to the company's mailbox. I read on some of the software sites that they do have electronic capabilities for this sort of thing.

    The company I mentioned before went out of business and according to a fellow creditnetter, the employees can't even get in touch with them.


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