This "Fresh Start Network" just had an AD on TV - it was MC Hammer telling everyone that they were now approved for a car loan - no matter what! I went to the site that is advertised. It turns out to be some cheap credit info in a fairly good web site....but...CHECK the CELEBRITY bankruptcies. Strange....AND, this is the first credit repair and loan website I have ever seen that contained a "GOSSIP" tab. LOL! aarrrffff - paw paw siff scratch - aaarrrfff! Does Kim Basinger carry a secured Capital One Visa? Does MC Hammer carry ASPIRE Diamond Visa - LOL! Nope - did not apply - do not know their rates! arrfff - dogman
Re: MC HAMMER - freshstart network Not to get off the subject, but I remember seeing a skit on either Mad TV or SNL a while back about a radio station contest with MC Hammer. People called in, and the grand prize was the opportunity to cosign on a car loan for MC Hammer. Pretty messed up... wajaba