Someone (don't remember who) said when I got my Chex report they would tell me how to dispute it. I'm thinking it was Nave or DaveLV?? Well...I have it now and have not a clue how to dispute. Is there a certain form (I didn't get it) or a letter to write or what?
ChexSystems Consumer Relations department can assist you if you believe your file contains errors. Please have a copy of your consumer report on hand when disputing information. (For instructions on how to obtain your consumer report, click here.) Our representatives reinvestigate every claim, and will notify you of the results within approximately 30 days. If errors are discovered, they will be rectified immediately. Please submit your dispute in writing to: Mail ChexSystems Attn: Consumer Relations 12005 Ford Road Suite 600 Dallas, TX 75234 Fax 972-241-4772 If the reinvestigation does not resolve your dispute, you are entitled to request a brief statement be added to your consumer file outlining the nature of your dispute. Hereâ??s how: Send the statement to us in writing Clearly indicate that you want the statement to be added to your file Make sure you sign the request If you would like assistance writing a clear summary of your dispute statement, contact ChexSystems Home | Legal Notice | Contact ChexSystems | Privacy Copyright © 2002 ChexSystems. All rights reserved
What is the point of this Chex thing? I believe it has something to do with banking accounts, but who or what cares what is on it?
Negative information on your Chex report can prevent you from obtaining a checking account, sometimes even a savings account at a bank or credit union.
As far as I know, if you've never had a problem obtaining a checking/ savings account at a bank/credit union, then no you probably would not need to pull your Chex report. However, if I'm wrong in my assumption, someone please correct me.
Here's my letter from about a year ago.
Thanks I knew someone was going to help I have 2 checking accts but when I applied for Umbrella I was denied due to Chex...only wanted the CC anyway.
Here was mine - ------------- Dear ChexSystems Consumer Relations: I just received my ChexSystems report from you. You have some incorrect information. I realize I have a common name and wonder if this might be the problem. Please delete the following item: 1. Evil Bank, Account ##############. I never had any NSF activity with this bank. I have enclosed my copy of the report with the incorrect information circled. Please remove the incorrect information and send me an updated copy of my report. Thanks for you attention to this matter. Sincerely, Your worst nightmare. ---------------- Christi - as far as I can tell the bank did not bother to validate (and I didn't actually bounce a check either - their bookkeeping/ATM system is the pits!) I sent it regular mail and called a few weeks later. They sent me an updated clean report at the end of thirty days (actually it took a little longer but I didn't make a fuss.) Good Luck, Tom
I just sent a modifed validation letter on hubby's too, just listed what was incorrect and requested validation of the information. Worked for someone on another board because they don't have any information other than what is in their computers, they have to send to the bank reporting and they can't meet the time requirements. Sassy
Hey Christi, i sent a generic letter.. something saying "Never had trhis account, please delete" or "Never had ANY NSF charges on this account", please delete. This removed them from my record. It depends on how old and what they are really..
I was wondering, do you have to pay for this report? Also, how long to they keep info on the report? I think I have some stuff on there but not sure if it would still be there and don't really want to pay just for my own curiosity.
Chexsystems: 8/28/98 I have a (NSF) Non-sufficient funds activity. It doesn't say the amount, but it was for $68...( Long story, but basically I bought something with a check through the mail and three months later the company took around $100 out of my checking account. I called the bank and told them. They said anyone that has your info (from a check) can take money out. I didn't owe them any money, I had made a one-time purchase. Bank lady agreed with me that they basically just robbed me. She said call a lawyer, but the bank couldn't do anything about it. I asked her why do I even have a bank? I thought it was to keep my money safe? I was pissed and refused to pay the money, my account was closed...ect, ect.) I was 20, who knew? Anyways fast forward a year, I ended up paying B0f A the money plus some. When I went to open a checking acount up two years ago, they tried to deny me. Lucky for me, I had the (perfume stained, wrinkled) letter saying I had paid. So, they opened me an checking account. Anyways, I've lost that letter and since I started cleaning up my credit and realized what liars are out there. I 'm sort of worried about that. My question is, should I try and dispute the reported information on my chex report. Or let it drop of in a year? Thanks me
Don't feel bad a lot of people think the same thing. You can loose your money when it's in a bank. You just gave one example. There are many others. Actually when you have money in a bank you are loosing money. Now for the snorters and retorters don't go off on a rant.because this don't seem to make sense.Some folks expect you to explain a full subject in just one post.