There are two (2) old charge off's from well's fargo on my credit report. Equifax deleted them. They came back as verified fron trans and exp. I sent well's a validation letter, no response. What should I do next? send the 30 day no response letter? Thanks me
send the 30 day letter. You could also try sending TU and EXP a copy of the EQ letter showing it was deleted. Chances are it won't do any good but theres always a chance )
I sent TU a copy of my Eq and EX reports because TU was listing an account 30 days late. Miracle of miracles, it got corrected three days later. I don't know if this will work on an account that was deleted. You have to prove a negative....
Anyone had any good letters ( they'd like to share) work when dealing with Wells Fargo? They seem to ignore mine. I'm dealing with an account from 1996. Thanks