they sent something that was printed out from Target with my address and s.s. number is this what I am looking for ?, what do I need to send them next ? Thanks
No, a printout doesn't prove it's you. It proves they have your name, address, and SSN. Not that it's really your account. They can get all this info from your credit report, whether you owe anyone money or not.
Send them the estoppel. Then the intent to sue letter. If you intend to sue. Also check to see if they updated your report as in dispute. If they didn't, that's a violation already. I have filed complaints with the state of FL against this company and I am waiting on positive results, hopefully. Don't bother with the BBB, they won't be any help. You can file a complaint with the state of MI ag and with the FTC and with your state agency that regulates collection agencies. I have posted on them so many times. I utterly dispise this company from the bottom of my heart.
Betacredit, I understand your frustration. I am totally fed up with Asset as well. I faxed my intent to sue letter last week. Yesterday I got a letter from their "Corporate Counsel" which basically said: Dear Ms. Donna: We have received your letter dated blah blah blah. I have reviewed this account and blah blah blah. You were sent validation on February XX - (wrong) lie, lie, lie, lie some more, lie, lie, lie. Asset is not required to provide validation after the initial 30 days. We are doing this out of the goodness of our heart. lie, lie, lie, lie some more, lie, lie, lie. You received our letter with the 30 day notice on Nov XXX (Wrong - even my credit report stated "unable to locate consumer" so how did they send me anything? Never received anything from them) We have requested further validation from the original creditor. We have not broken any laws. We would consider your lawsuit to be frivilous. Sincerely, blah blah blah I am paraphrashing of course. SOB's! So far I've got them on 4k in violations. I'll show them frivilous. I was so steaming mad after reading that crap.
LOL...I'm sure they would think it was frivilous. Fortunately, they aren't the ones who gets to decide that <grin> L
Thanks Love! They make you WANT to sue them. They are beyond condescending and I think they generally believe that all consumers are idiots. But that's all CA'a and CRA's.
Right, have them served and see how frivolous they think it is. That credit report with "cannot locate consumer" will put them over a big barrel.
I really couldn't believe he actually wrote frivilous. I think that's what ticked me off most. lol Screw you Mr. "Corporate Counsel". I knew that credit report was gonna come in handy! I'm heading to the courthouse tomorrow. I don't think they have an agent for service in NY - at least I haven't been able to find one - so I think I'm supposed to serve the Secretary of State. Trying to read up on my Small Claims "How-To"!
Wow. I'm dealing with Asset right now as well. If they send me that same letter, I will RUN, not walk, to the courthouse and file on their a$$es. I hope that's what you're planning to do as well. They are also noting "unable to locate consumer" on my reports as well. I have copies of that and all the other correspondence we have sent back and forth. All I have received so far is a printout. That letter is bs. How can they demand payment on an account that they can't even validate?? I'm disputing them via CRA as well to catch them on more violations. In my case, they verified the account after I sent validation to them on one CRA but never disputeed it with the other two. That's my next step. Good luck and let me know what your next step is/was. Also, please email me if you get a moment--my email is turned on. Thx.
Go get them Donna! I have not sent any more correspondence since the estoppel letter. I am going to my local courthouse today to get the paperwork neccessary to file suit. I am going to contact these agencies and see if anything is going on with these people. Question: If they continue to verify with the CRAs after you have requested validation and they have not provided it, is that a violation? If so, cha-ching!!
Your email is off. You can email me at I am definitely heading to Small Claims. This "company" is really a piece of work. I haven't received any correspondence from them prior to this letter. I've disputed the entry on my credit reports twice with all 3 CRA's - after sending validation and estoppel letters. Each time it's been verified. I've had it with them, to say the least.
If they verify before they responded to the validation they are in violation. Reporting and verification of debts to a cra is collection activity.
I too, am dealing with Asset. I sent them a validation letter and got a letter stating that they found my account and that the proper paperwork was being retrieved from the original creditor, Target. If they send me some bullshit printout, I will definitely be hot on their tails. Question for Razor...I thought it was only a violation if they reported and tried to collect during the first 30 days. When you validate after the 30 days period, they can still attempt to collect, but they must still validate within 30 days. Am I confused in this? This is what I've been thinking this whole time.
I would say file a class action against Asset, when they were reporting on hubby they wrote "unable to locate consumer" on all 3 reports, this was on there while we were receiving letters from them!!!! How many people have dealt with Asset? And how many have this noted on their reports? RB- There is no time limit for the CA to respond, but they DO have to cease all collection activity when validation is requested.
This link may help. It has the full text of the fdpca with subnotes in normal english on what they mean.
Re: Validation from Asset..what next You guys... I have been fighting with Asset for a year now. But guess what? Last month I disputed with Experian one more time and on the same day, I CALLED Asset and told the rep (who was suprisingly very nice to me, because she said she HATED working there) that I wanted copies of the documents with my signature... that I had already sent them three certified letters and my next step would be to file suit. She said that she would order the original documents, put a note on my file, and let me know. Welllllll.... Friday I got an updated copy of my credit report and ASSET IS DELETED. They did not verify! HALLELUJAH! Just be persistent. Threaten them. Do whatever you have to do. (They also didn't verify with TU - just got an updated copy in the mail today.) I have posted numerous times on this board about them. I was at my wits end. Just be persistent. Good luck.
Re: Validation from Asset..what next Oh... and they also "couldn't locate" me either... but they called me a zillion times a week and mailed me letters every other day!
Thanks LKH! I thought I was losing my mind. I've been so entrenched in the crap that it's starting to blend together. ;-)