finally over

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sweet21510, Apr 9, 2002.

  1. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    well, finally the creditors meeting is over and of course as you all said it was very routine. Sears showed up, but offered an opportunity for us to re-affirm the debt at 0% interest and an increased credit line, which seemed strange to make such an offer, but i guess it's their way of making it worth our while to pay the debt. We decided that we actually did need a card for potential house repairs, so we took the offer. No one else came. for the record I will tell for all who might wonder as I did what the trustee will ask it was as follows

    under oath:
    State your name, address
    did you sign the bankruptcy papers?
    did you read them?
    are you expecting a tax return? how much? have you received it yet?
    are you entitled to sue anyone?
    are you going to receive an inheritance, insurance proceeds, or other $$ in the next year?
    have you listed all your debts?
    have you listed all your creditors?
    does anyone owe you money?
    are any creditors here?
  2. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    congratulations... I know you have been sweating this one for a while. It must feel good!! Hey, and you get to keep the Sears card to start rebuilding your credit- I'd say that's a deal!
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    That's wonderful!!!!

  4. lg

    lg Well-Known Member

    what a big rock off your shoulders!!! i did mine in 7-2001 discharged 10-2001. Sears never came to mine, i thought that they would from what everyone has said and told me. even my attorney told me sears would be there. happy to know that you will have a new start. there is lots of more hope. i just recieved my new 300.00 limit credit card from orchards so i'm on my way to my new start......
  5. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    It was so weird Sears showing up. We were thinking Good Lord they want our now aging TV or stereo, but when they offered to let us keep our card we were both completely floored. To be honest, Sears through the whole mess was never a problem to deal with. Had it just been Sears and a couple others that were also willing to work with us we would have never had to file. Go figure
  6. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    Welcome to "the Club"!

    Take a deep breath and get ready to go on with your life.

    You lucked out with Satan, er, I mean Sears. Their lack of willingness to work with us, even with the incompetents at CCCS "helping" was one of the primary things that pushed us over the edge into filing.

    Best of Luck to you!

  7. Calmest_LA

    Calmest_LA Well-Known Member

    I don't know about the rest of you gals, but I will work my butt off to repay my debt to a company who genuinely values me as a customer.

    I'm impressed with Sears for showing up and for making such a decent offer. Now that's how to do business and build customer loyalty. Those of us who are faced with credit problems now will someday be on top again, and I'm sure we will all remember those companies, like Sears, who dealt with us fairly.

  8. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    I was pretty amazaed at Sears as well. There are two debts that were included, but I plan to pay. One is from a surgeon and the other from the hospital. Neither one was nasty about the debt, and I feel like i sure take care of these regardless. I really liked the Dr. and want to be able to continue to use him should I need any more facial surgery.
  9. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    I know what you mean. When we found out they were there we were freaking out. my husband was expecting them to want stuff back and was ready to do his best bargaining. What they offered was completely from left field, especially after hearing the bad rep Sears has had in the past.
  10. razor635

    razor635 Well-Known Member

    Sears has a bad rap but if you keep your account current they will bend over backwards to help you out. They show at most BK hearings, and 70% of the time they offer to let you keep the acct if you keep it out of the bk. Great way to restart you new credit history.
  11. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Give me a break! Did you people take stupid pills? Do you actually think Sears was in it "to be good guys"? Hell no! They only offered that deal because they knew it was either that or they got NOTHING. These people went so far as to freaking sue me 5 MONTHS AFTER my BK was DISCHARGED even while they admitted they never filed any objections prior to discharge.

    Maybe I'm just being cranking this AM....
  12. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    NO ONE SAID THEY WEREN'T IN IT FOR THE MONEY. As far as your comment about taking stupid pills, I can tell you that I am far from stupid, as likely is most of the people who replied. I know for a fact why they did it, but the reality is that it gives me a chance to rebuild credit. Obviously you have issues with Sears, but quite frankly I don't think anyone here appreciates you unloading on them because they didn't immediately condemn Sears for offering to allow us to re-establish and repay what we owe. Maybe your angry because they didn't make you the same offer, but I don't know. If they sued you, sue back and I hope you win. Quite frankly I have been through hell the last year and it hasn't all been money problems, and when I started this thread I wanted to let everyone know that reassured me that things were ok. I don't really care about Sears motivations, and quite frankly I dont' really give a SH** IF YOU THINK I'M STUPID.
  13. spyguyjim

    spyguyjim Well-Known Member

    Way to go! Its downhill from here!

    I filed BK7 in 1993 and Sears was the only creditor who showed. They reaffirmed a $1,100 computer I had bought 3 months earlier. They allowed me to keep the account as well and I continued to make purchases with my orginal LOC.

    A few years later, in the midst of divorce, I defaulted on the payment plan. They simply wrote the debt off, which by that time was around $1,700. Never tried to sue me.

    I called them back two years ago when I was rebuilding. The rep said there was no sense trying to pay back the money since it was written off! I guess that was her way of saying, no way in hell you'll be carrying a Sears card in your lifetime.

    Haha! My wife has an account there. :)~

    All the Sears listings just came off my credit report thanks to Jack Schrold. Those guys are awesome!Sears put up a good battle, but they lost the war!
  14. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    I could care less that they didn't make me an offer. It would have been something I would not have accepted anyway. I'm not directing anything at you in particular. The tone of the thread was one of "awe, see - they will work with you, how nice".

    I'm just pointing out, rather strongly, that they aren't all that nice. They are vultures. I just want to make sure those reading this thread who are contemplating a BK that involves Sears don't get the impression they are a kind and gentle entity - they are not.
  15. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    Believe me I don't think any of them are kind entities, and I don't actually think anyone here thought that, though i can sorta see how this might have been taken. Sears' counterpart Discover had me sobbing on the phone at Christmas time because they refused to work with me. All but one person I talked to seemed to take pleasure in letting me know they were sending the account to a Lawyer. I suppose I've gotten real touchy the last few months and your post set me off a bit. Eventually I'll get around to talking about the hell I've been through. I wouldn't have taken Sears offer had the balance been larger, it just wouldn't have been worth it. this just gives me an opportunity to rebuild, and allows us some credit in case something at home breaks such as the hot water heater or other building stuff.
  16. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member


    Who's Jack Schrold? Someone you can refer us to to assist in getting late accounts off the CR?
  17. spyguyjim

    spyguyjim Well-Known Member


    Its the Law Offices of Jack Schrold out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 1-800-929-3311, They are a credit repair service, one that came under scrutany a few years back. They were sued and ultimately had to change the way in which they advertised their services. There was more to it, so you can do a search on this board for more information.

    I read some very positive things about them before I engaged their services. I was skeptical when I read about the lawsuit and all. When I called them for the first time, the guys I spoke to sounded like hardcore collectors who knew their stuff. I was sold!

    So far, since retaining them in January, I've had 22 derogatory items completely removed. I've got a handful left and they are pounding them hard. I get monthly updates regarding the progress. Cost is $49.95 per month.

    My scores jumped and I've already had several automatic LOC increases. I was approved for a regular Chevon account last week.

    Good luck,
  18. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

  19. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    well that may explain in the difference in the way the two accounts were handled..
  20. King

    King Well-Known Member

    Congrats sweet,

    I knew that you would get through the hearing OK. You did a good job spelling out the judge's questions. Some people don't understand that filing BK does not mean discharged. If you have any way to pay the bills per the judge's ?'s, the BK wil not be granted.

    You did the right thing keeping the Sears card. That will help to build credit. Some people hate Sears because in the 90's Sears illegally went after people who discharged money in BK. Sears got sued and knocked it off.

    You also did the right thing with those Dr. bills etc. Pay them. It is not worth having them on record.

    Start cleaning your credit reports when the dust settles and apply for the easy to get credit cards. Good luck.

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