Does Anyone Need Any Credit?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rubyjean, Apr 8, 2002.

  1. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

    Was just looking over some of the comments on planet feed back and came across this post.. People have to learn the hard way? Think that we all ought to charge a few items on it.? ??

    Authorized User


    I am writing with a question about the experience at Capital One Financial.

    I am listed as an authorized user on account 5291151891644922 which belongs to Javoanta Harris. He has been paying on this account and by not paying on this has messed up my credit that I am trying to rebuild.When talking to him about this all he tells me he will pay it when he pays it. So this is being reported on my credit report as charged off account. I am more than willing to pay this account in exchange for a credit card issued in my name for the balance reported on my credit report, which I believe is $533.00. I am only asking this because I am in the process of trying to rebuild my credit and by requesting this might help. Also I want it off my credit report if this can not be done since I am not the original holder of the card just someone he said could use it so I have no responilibty as would a joint account holder, which I was not. Please consider the offer I have made that way I can rebuild my credit and you can get the money owed...

    Thank you for considering my query. I look forward to your response.

    Baton Rouge
  2. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    What's even worse than listing the number is her offer to Capital One. Sheesh! Poor thing will end up paying her friend's debt. :(

  3. Ambitious

    Ambitious Well-Known Member

    I hope that account number is bogus! I can't believe that someone would do that. Don't ever give your account number to anyone unless you are the one that contacted them. Please keep that in mind-it can save you from fraud, etc. Don't mean to sound preachy!
  4. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    The account number is probably real, but you'd still need the expiration date to be able to charge on it. However, according to the author, the account is charged-off anyway.

    Folks don't realize that PFB allows you to edit-out personal information when posting a shared letter.
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Great scott!! People are sooooooooo dumb.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I told PFB of the PROBLEM months ago, they know there is a problem...but it is just because people CAN'T READ!!!!

  7. hello

    hello Well-Known Member

    You can make up an expiration date--as long as it's valid. If you don't believe me, next time you order something online, make up an expiration...
  8. teesha

    teesha Well-Known Member

    First of all I am not dumb and This card Has been cherged off for about 6 months so if someone tries to use this card then they are stupid.Also to use this card you would probably need the card holders name which I did not print. Oh did I mention that I switch the numbers around. P lease only comment on what you know and not what you think. By the way I did not ever use this card and have not talk to this person in almost a year.
  9. teesha

    teesha Well-Known Member

    Another thing why dont one of you try to use the name and the number I put on the card seeing that both are bogus.I was trying to get this matter taken care of due to the fact I am trying to buy a house.I doubt cap one will take it off my credit report as I have disputed it before and all they did was make the balance zero on my credit report and state not responsible for account but left it on my report with the negative marks. I am new to this as you can see by how many post I have made. I made a mistake with that posting and now have learned....
  10. Ambitious

    Ambitious Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that the #'s were switched. I will tell you that we never know if an account number is actually a valid #,issued or not(meaning the check digit may be a valid #). Some merchants do not have to get an authorization. There are other things that they have to check though. You'd be surprised at the accounts that are chrgdoff,bankrupt status,closed for months, etc that have charges post. Merchants some how get them posted anyway. I work in the credit card industry (process chargebacks for cardholders). I hope you didn't get offended by my previous post, it's just I've heard lots of stories pertaining to fraud, counterfeit cards, etc.

  11. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    No biggie, Teesha. Let me tell you what *I* Was worried sick about it that first night, but when I filed in federal court last month against a collection agency, I filed copies of my credit report. Of course this contains my ssn (which I had to put on the complaint anyway), my address, telephone number, date of birth and I thought my credit card account numbers. I was really, really sweating it and couldn't believe it had not occurred to me to black that out on the credit

    We live and learn :) Hope you got some type of response from the company. Have you tried requesting documentation proving an obligation for you to pay?

  12. Ambitious

    Ambitious Well-Known Member

    Forgot something, normally an AU is not supposed to be affected due to non-payment. They are not responsible for the account. The primary CH is responsible for the AU actions not vise-versa. Just an FYI for if you didn't know.

  13. teesha

    teesha Well-Known Member

    Is there a way I could get to delete the entry or is it to late?
  14. Ambitious

    Ambitious Well-Known Member

    I would dispute it. Unless you signed as joint-applicant-you are not liable for payment. I'm sure others with more experience can offer more detailed advise. Good luck!!!!

  15. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    It will probably take some work, but they should delete it. Dispute it with the credit bureaus as "not mine" and also take it up with the original creditor. JC Penney is the absolute worst for doing this!!! Its kinda like Sears will always show up at a bankruptcy

  16. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member


    No one is calling you dumb. Previous members who have posted in this thread were referring to the fact that you posted an account number on a shared letter which can be viewed by anyone. In fact, if you took the time to read my previous post, you would see I pointed out that you wrote in your letter that this account has in fact been charged-off and no one would be able to charge on it anyway.

    And no you did not "mention" that you switched the actual card numbers around. What you wrote in your letter would lead Mr. Cooke at Capital One to believe that the account numbers you plugged in the letter is indeed the correct account number to the account you are authorized on.

    None of us here at creditnet would "try to use the name and the number...." that you wrote in your letter because we're here to help, not hinder others.

    As I said, others were just commenting that account numbers, phone numbers, or any other sensitive personal information should not be posted in a shared letter, and PFB makes it clear that you should edit out personal information before sharing your letter with others.

    Finally, why don't you just tell Capital One to take your name off this account. You said you're only an authorized user. AU's have no responsibility to maintain the account, they just benefit from the history (length of time) of the account, and hopefully the positive payment history. AU's do not sign any agreement either. So a simple phone call should clear up this matter.
  17. teesha

    teesha Well-Known Member

    I did dispute it with the credit bureaus and it came back as verfied but updated . CAP 1 updated it by saying I was a au not responible for account and changed the balance to zero but left all the late pays and charged off on my report. I have disputed this credit card twice to get the same results.So I thought by offering to pay this in exchange for a credit card with that limit would help rebuild my credit and establish credit with them and get them to update my entry. As I stated before I am trying to clean my credit in order to buy a house in the next 6 months.I really did not know what eles to do. I never usec this card and me and this person no longer talk and he does not care about this matter.
  18. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    did u get a response from Mr. Cooke at CAP1? if not call him at 1-800-955-1455. he will listen to your situation. explain that even though they have eliminated the balance the R9's(and other late pays) on this account. he will help you as best he can.

    also, try validating with CAP1 also(dont mention this to Mr. Cooke). remember for a full validation they need:

    - Original App or contract with your signature.
    - Complete accouting of the acct. ie statements.

    there's no way they can provide you with this info, because you are an AU!! even better if you dont receive a response, dispute with the CB again stating that you could not validation how can they?

    good luck!
  19. Tripleator

    Tripleator Member


    I have been working with a company that has been negotiating with my creditors for a removal of my negative listings. There name is Archer Credit Professionals. Check them out at See if they can help, they helped me get several items removed, but I did have to settle on them, but it looks like you were going to do that anyway.


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