Hello everyone! I am doing the happy dance right now as EXP has deleted 5 MAJOR accounts for me! I did a combo of validation/and dispute w/ EXP, and never recvd response to validations! I am now disputing some of these accts w/ other CRA's and PRAY the results will be the same.... My score went from 546 to 620!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!! Sorry for the extreme enthusiasm, but i have been dying to crack into the 600 club!!!! Thanks to you all for the support and wonderful information on this board..... off the topic...my baby is due in 7 days and I am EXHAUSTED!!! Monij EXP: 620 (+74) EQU:539 (+37) TU: 500(-12)/ELOAN:561
Thanks, guys....all my disputes have been online! I have 3 more pending....won't know til end of the month!