Also includes Score... is this right?? I only have one report left from my previous subscription, but it now looks like they have converted me to unlimited access also. This certainly makes credit watch a better value.
Terrific news!!!! I had pulled my last one a week or so ago and just had to pull a new one at $12.95 last night. This service is now WELL worth the money they are charging! And we get the real FICO L
Love it!! (of course I'd love it more if I just didn't find out my FICO went down 1 point...<g>) Ozzy.
This sounds great - more valuable but I guess also more expensive now? Looks like it is $69.95 for new customers anyway. On the order form it has a spot for "special promo code." Does anybody know what this is or how to get one? I'm assuming it would result in a break for the price. Thanks, Tom
I have a question. I have a free trial right now. However, it says that I have membership until 2003. They never charged my card. What are they talking about? Also, what was the price before? I signed up for the free trial early this month. Which price would I pay?
I just wanted to add that I think the $69 is a bargain. I mean you get unlimited access now. And that includes your score! WOW! At first I was just going to cancel after the trial ended. Now I plan to keep it!
Got off the phone a short time ago with a pretty cool guy from Equifax. I had a couple of questions for him. I was already a subscriber so I was thrilled that they changed it. I asked him if a person pulled their report every day, towards the end of the subscription period would there be an archive of 300+ reports that could still be looked at. The answer was Yes! I asked him if the scores would still be expiring after 35 days. After a pause, he replied yes they would. He is going to bring up in his next meeting if there would be a way to keep the score as long as the reports are archived for viewing. He will email me to let me know. I also mensioned there are a number of people that would sign up if giving a discount (simular to Privista). He said he would check but didn't think so. I told him I noticed the promotional code field and if he know of a promo code that could be distributed, to let me know. I asked if they cared if people did pull every day (not that it would have stopped me), and he said no. The only think he asked me to tell others as they get many phone calls on this is the fact that your score will be "wacked" during the whole dispute process. Go ahead and pull everyday but dismiss the score during the dispute process. In summary.... Archieve of all credit reports saved during subscription period. Although credit reports available, associated scores will disappear after 35 days. No discounts available.....yet. Daily pulls welcomed, scores will be "wacked" during dispute process. When I get my email from him, I am going to reply with the suggestion of a chart with the scores, simular to Credit Expert. This somewhat gets around the 35 day problem. Does anyone else have suggestions you would like to me forward to him? He sounded like someone who actually has some say as to what goes on. In any case, a pretty good deal at $70/yr for those of us that like to know their score on a daily basis. That would cost $4726.75 @ $12.95/ea. That's a savings of over $4600!
Thanks, Jason. I just answered my own question by logging and there is was the little "new" icon along with score power. So, I am thrilled! I think I am going to keep this also. I had signed up for the free trial. I will call customer service and find out if they are going to charge you the amount you signed up for or how much it is now.
The page I got says $35. Is there a new page? I'm using Also it says: "Please note there are no credit "scores" included on this report." Dancer
Hope said: It's on Equifax's site here:^start=& Thanks, Hope! Dancer
I talked to a guy from equifax and he told me I will get that $69 service for $49 - sounds like an awesome deal to me. -Sal
I had signed up with Privista last score today was 623. Today, I signed up with score is 730. I'm cancelling privista today! Boy, what a I know that I will receive the true FICO score. $69.95 per year AND I STILL HAVE TO CALL OR WRITE TO DISPUTE...(AFFILIATE)
I signed up for Equifax Credit Watch and will keep it! I will dump Credit Expert at the end of my free trial. Thanks! Tim Equifax = 647 Experian = 645 TU = 709