It seems like CAs started popping out of nowhere once I began my "credit education" journey.:-( Anyway, I have been disputing a notation on my report from a CA since February. I have requested validations and they failed to provide any. During that time, they put a paid notation on my report, and verified the debt with EFX and EXP. TU Deleted on first dispute. So, Monday I filled out a small claim form, and faxed it to them, along with a letter detailing their violations. That definitely got their attention. One of their rep keeps asking me to call her. I faxed another letter stating that I would prefer all communications to be in writing. She just faxed another letter to me today saying that they have followed all Federal laws. What she has to tell me cannot be put in writing, until she speaks to me. We are trying to settle this matter amicably... blah, blah, blah.. Do I have to call them? Would that go against me in court if I don't call? I really don't want to. However, I don't want them to say in court that they have tried to settle, but I have refused. Suggestions... Thanks
I'd personally call and talk to them, although unless it is in writing, I wouldn't count on anything that was said. This might be a good time to strengthen your position by reiterating their violations. I know most people here say NEVER talk to them on the telephone, but that's not always practicable and who may be able to get things fixed right up. Just be sure not to give them any information they can use against you if you do decide to talk to them. L
Script follows Them: "Thank you for calling Dewey, Cheatum, & Howe collections, this call may be recorded for our own satanic purposes." You: "Good, because I'm recording this too" Let the games begin.....
What she has to tell me cannot be put in writing, until she speaks to me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ??????????? What could this possibly be??? That sounds as LOGICAL as the credit card my wife tried to close...she put it in WRITING and sent the cut in half card taped to the letter at the bottom of the letter...THEY NEVER CLOSED IT!!! I had her call on it...THEY SAID WE MUST HAVE A "VERBAL" REQUEST!!! CLUELESS!!!!!!!!
Plain and simple, the CA does not want you to have a paper trail a mile wide proving how incompetent they really are.
Whyspers, Thanks for the advice. I thought about calling, just to hear what she has to say. But then I thought what can she possibly say on the phone that she does not want to put in writing.? It just sounded suspicious to me. I wanted to record the conversation, in case I called. But I live in MA, and the CA is in MD, and I believe MD is one of those states, that prohibit recording phone conversations. I might be wrong. But I will think about it. Will keep the board posted. Thanks
My thoughts exactly. What is it that one cannot put in writing that they can only discuss through the phone? Only words they cannot own up to.
I would put that fax she sent (telling you that what she wants to say can't be put in writing) into my file to take to court. I would not call her.
If you don't want to call them and record it for use in court, send them a fax or letter stating that the only things they can't put in writing are profanity, threats, and illegal offers, and that you don't want to be party to any of those. Then bring their fax to court with you. Dancer
I'm with breeze on this one. Even though it's tempting I wouldn't call them. If you have a moment of weakness and do call them make sure you record the call. It's still very odd that they want to talk to you about something they can't put in writing. I've seen many posts here where a CA has agreed to something verbally and never followed through. You have no recourse unless you have it in writing. EdG
Creditnetters, Thank you very much for all your suggestions. This morning, I faxed another letter to the CA again stating their violations. I then went on to tell them that if they insist on me calling, I will call but they should be aware that I will record the call. So, I just got off the phone with the rep. All she wanted to tell me was that the account is closed because the client does not feel that I owe them any money. I like the language by the way:"the client does not feel". She then went on to say that they have never asked to CRA to update the account to PAID, they do not have control of what the CRA puts on the account. HUH?????? And finally music to my ears, "we will ask the CRA to delete the account, and I wanted to ask you if it's Ok that I fax the deletion confirmation to you?" Hell yea it's damn OK! Why did it have to take so long??? So, hopefully when I get home tonight, I will have the fax waiting for me! Thank you all
She told me that they do not "arbitrarily" send this kind of information to consumers It doesn't make sense to me anyway. They do not arbitrarily(her word by the way) send deletion information to consumers, yet they arbitrarily send invalidated and non-existent debts to the CRAs. Go figure!
Randomly? Subjectively? What a bunch of bunk. I guess that you aren't going to get random or subjective attention simply because you aren't their customer, the CA is. DO NOT CALL THEM.