
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dfwgt, Apr 10, 2002.

  1. dfwgt

    dfwgt Well-Known Member

    TU is now clean! J.C. Pennys removed a paid-charge off from 2/97. Took me 4 times but they finally removed it.

    Not sure who gave me the advice to send a validation letter to G.E. card services, but thanks - looks like it worked. I still need to remove them from Experian and Equifax, but if Pennys doesn't respond to validation/estoppel (They have 9 days left), then I'll forward the paperwork to the CRA's and go that route.

    Quick question - only item on the report that's killing me is now Sears (I have several 150 day lates from 99 and 1/2000, but no charge offs, etc.). Can I send a validation letter to them, asking for a copy of the application that I completed? It's from the early 90's so I doubt they would be able to validate. I'm willing to take the hit on the length of account so long as I can have a clean report.

    Any suggestions. Again, thanks to all for the help!

  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    dfwgt, Congratulations on the CLEAN TU report. The other 2 will fall in soon. Charlie
  3. cfand3boyz

    cfand3boyz Well-Known Member

    Congrats on removing all the negs from your TU report!

    How did you get JCP to remove the neg? I have some old negs from them. I sent them a message via planet feedback but so far I have not heard from them. Please let me know how you did it. Thanks!

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