How do you organize your "evidence"

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rblues, Apr 11, 2002.

  1. rblues

    rblues Well-Known Member

    I find it extremely informative and interesting to hear how every organizes all this paper from the paper trail!!!

    For disputing with CA's and CRA's: I have a file folder for each item I'm disputing. I punch 2 holes at the top for those two prong fastners on both sides. On the right side I keep all the letters I send with the corresponding "green card" for each. I also staple any receipts, certificates of mailing etc to the letter. On the left side I print out relevant items from the FCRA and FDPCA that relate to the item in dispute. I also copy and print out any posts form Creditnet that are relevant to the item. For instance, whenever I see any posts that relate to Asset Acceptance, for example, I print them out for later reference. You wouldn't believe how much useful info I've garnered that way (Names of execs, fax numbers, etc).

    I bought one of the file folders that has 6 different sections, each with two prongs at the top. The last two sections each hold the ENTIRE FCRA and FDPCA for reference. Then each CRA gets their own section, own prong, own space. This is where I keep my credit reports in chronological order. Whenever I get a new address of somthing relevant I jot it down on my credit report. These are the COPIES of my credit reports, mind you. Actual reports mailed to me go in the filing cabinet, in case I ever need to mail those suckers off in a huff or dispute!!! lol

    I also keep a log of every item in dispute in Excel. When the first letter was mailed, when the green card was received, when it was deleted, when it was verified, you get the picture.

    What are some of your organization methods?
  2. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I let Bill Bauer do it. His way is much more complicated than yours, he has a 3 page explanation on CRRR :) J/K

    Keeping track is very important. Both for legal reasons and sanity reasons...this stuff aint complicated but it does cause quite a paper trail, and a necessary paper trail at that.

    Your insights into organization are very informative...organization is critical in this process, thanks :)

    -Peace, Dave
  3. matt_r

    matt_r Well-Known Member

    I have a separate folder for each CRA.

    For keeping track of my actions, I keep a word file for each CRA with each tradeline listed. Then when I do something I note it in the appropriate file(s) along with the date, etc. Any relevant info I just write on the inside of the folder (phone #'s etc).

    As far as tracking what send and receive....I have a folder for each CA on my computer & scan every letter I receive and keep an electronic copy....the original goes back in the envelope for safe keeping.

    Informative posts from this BBS get copied & pasted into a word file and saved in the appropriate folder, or a general folder in some case.

    I save everything on my laptop and take it everywhere, so I can access anything at the drop of a hat which has worked well so far.
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I have a separate expandable folder for each CRA. Credit reports, notes and letters to the CRAs go into their respective files, as do declines from places I've applied that have pulled that particular CRAs report.

    I have a notebook with sectional folders where I put individual creditors (separated by creditor)...letters to/from, green cards, bbb printout, etc. Each time one issue is resolved, it will be moved to my "closed" file.

    Each lawsuit has a separate file (manila envelope type file) and then that gets sorted into manila folders within the envelope by pleadings, correspondence, notes, legal research, miscellaneous and whatever else might pertain to that particular case.

    I keep a tri-merged accounting of where I'm at on a one page WordPerfect document...basically just the date, a list of what still needs work, my score as of that date. And in addition, I have a tri-merged accounting of where I started to look at when I get down about ever getting clean reports. :)


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