Hi Everyone, I am one of those who have been lurking about all over this site and not contributing I am happy to have found such a useful tool in dealing with my situation. I would first like to complement everyone for there vigorous efforts in spreading the info. In case anyone care, I am a married father of three (maybe four soon oops) We live on my income. I work in the airline industy.. I have several charged off accounts and a couple of collections in my credit report. They say time heals all wound. It has been a long time. The SOL for collecting is past on most of these, A couple of years to go for removal from my reports though. I plan to start my journey off by validating these small collection accounts first then as I build up knoweledge and confidence, I shall tackle the other stuff. Here is one issue I thought I would put up for discussion a jewelery charge card - opened with Friedmans (in North Carolina 3 year sol) -the company bought by Marks & Morgan last date of activity was 04/97 I have an old equifax report showing this. current equifax shows dla-----10/97 curent experian shows scheduled to remain until 4-2004 on first entry they stoped reporting this 7/2000 and another line saying scheduled to remain until 2007 (thats all it says) they began reporting this 8/2000 current trans union shows closed 8/2000 I am wondering how did they re age this account. I was in the USMC when I opened the account. in 95 I remember trying to deal with the assigned collector from about 4/97 to about maybe 12/97. Those guys where jerks threatening to report me to my C.O. I was running scared!! Luckily I stayed out of trouble regardless. I got out of the Jarhead club I never had contact with these folks again. I moved back here to CA (sol 4 years) . balance reported due is just over $4,000 . At this time I am in no hury to deal with it. But I am collecting data. I would appreciate your thought on this. 1> is Marks & Morgan the original creditor even though they bought out Friedmans? 2> how do I deal with this reaging stuff and other inaccuracies? 3> can I be confident that the sol is up? I no longer have any paperwork from this account. 4> what do you think the chances are they might try to get collect this late in the game? 5> what do you think happened to the original collecton agency , Richwood & associates or something like that? I think I remember them reporting on my CR. not there now 6> any other thoughts or contributions on this back to my work I go see ya all later gilliner
Gilliner, First welcome to the board. Always good to have new faces. The date of last activity means doo-doo. All that says is this was the last time the creditor/CA updated the status of the account to the CRA. Your focus should be on the date of first delinquency. You mentioned that you have been dealing with these guys since 1995, which tells me this account should probably be gone from all three credit reports (seven years for negative information). Is this right? Dani
mindcrime, I want to make sure I have this right. The DOLA is just what the CA/creditor reports to the bureau, correct? Eg. I have a Hechts account that has been closed for three years now. It shows opened 5/1998, closed 10/1998. Hechts still reports DOLA. How can this be? If the account isn't open how can there be any activity? Dani
Man, It is good thing I read mindcrime2's first response to this as soon as it was posted. Is there something I don't know? I could have sworn it was here. Maybe I need medicatioin or a psych eval or something. Mindcrime2, I thank you for your shared knoweledge. Dani, Mindcrime2 & all others thank you for the warm welcome. It was nice chatting. back to my work I go see ya all later gilliner
That's so odd. It is gone. I wonder what happened to it? Don't worry gill you're not hallucinating, I saw it too. Maybe GEORGE'S socks ate my thread.
Welcome to the board. Now that you've introduced yourself to us can you introduce us to 3 other people?
Welcome, What sector of the airline industry? I was an airline pilot for a week, then 9/11 changed that. Anyways welcome. Quigs ex-618 eq-580 tu-590
Forget this.I don't want to see new people join the board only to be mocked by the ignorance of some posters.
Dear Ibrownman59 & all others, If you all need a victim to mock, then I am the man. I am as naive as one could possibly be.I probaby wouldn't know I was being mocked anyway. So mock away. Yes, you may. It's okay. By the way, other than Dani & Mindcrime2 no other thought have been given on the discussion I opened. What? No one else has any other thought on this? It would beNice if we could see Mindcrime2's original response but, I Guess I am not worthy. I continue to appreciate the warm welcome. Now, I shall go continue my search for credit knoweledge oh yea Quigs I am an Lead Aircraft Technician. later, gilliner there is nothing more exhilarating than pointing out the short-commings of others... It's not nice, so, I don't do it. unless the other happens to be a debt collector.
gilliner, I wish I knew what happened to my original post. It was there for about 20 minutes the other night, and then all of a sudden, poof, gone. I wish I remembered all I posted that night. Anyway, if you have any other questions for me, just ask, I'm happy to help.
NOT MY SOCKS!!! CYBER-SPACE is the hungry one... I have lost probably 100+/- in CYBER-SPACE... It is ALWAYS when you use "QUOTE"...right???
Yes, exactly. The only way around it is by (after you've posted once) clicking on 'Today', then clicking back into the thread, and then clicking 'quote'.
But seriously advise me someone!!!! Hi everyone, While I was performing the doc's trick this weekend, I realized I got a little gift. I have a new entry on the experian, exifax (trans union TBD) reports. KAY jeweler's is now reporting this charge off. They so graciouisly added the trade line without removing the Marks& Morgan line. Two for the price of one!! I can't wait to see the trans union I bet it will have three!!! Where do I start on this mess? Is KAY JEWELER still considered the OC since they bought Marks & Morgan who had bought Friedmans anyone? gilliner