For those that dealt w/Gulf State

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by texpumpkin, Apr 13, 2002.

  1. texpumpkin

    texpumpkin Member

    or what ever else they are known as... Care to share your experience? How far did you have to go? Was the acct really yours? Was the acct. yours but paid already? Did the SOL play a part? My biggest curiousity, did they buy your acct? I wondering if that made it harder to deal with them?

    Just want to hear from fellow warriors to see what I've gotten myself into.

    My story thus far; they claim to have bought an acct. from the OC. In ignorance, I sent a payment to the OC after the date that they supposedly sold it to Gulf State. The OC reported it sold & charged off & didn't report the payment. (I plan to dispute them after I handle Gulf State- one headache at a time.) Technically, I paid the debt, & have proof that it went to the OC. Haven't mentioned this to Gulf State yet, I want to try to get them to drop it w/o giving them to much info. The SOL is up, & if they were to try to argue extra fees or interest that payment restarted the clock, so why let them know about it until they force my hand.

    My situation is just a little tricky, since they claimed to have bought it, I can't exactly get the OC to call off their attack dogs just b/c I paid them. But I intend to fight, I'm not paying this debt twice. I sent a validation letter, no response. Just got done typing the estoppel. I am going to wait 15 days & if I get no response, I am going to dispute this tradeline with the CRA's, hoping that Gulf State won't have the audacity to verify w/o validating (yeah right).

    I'd rather not go to small claims, that is why I started this rambling....wondering what other people experienced with them. I just want a deletion and to be left alone. Any tips, stories would be appreciated.
  2. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Fortunately, I did not have to go through such lengths. I just received an apology letter from them saying that they were deleting all references of the account from my credit reports. I did sent them one validation letter and then EQ send me a copy of a lawsuit filed against them.

    I didn't have to worry about the SOL. The account had not been paid.

    You have proof on your side. Don't be afraid to take them to court. I bet that they don't want to go to court more than you. Demand that they delete the reference off of your credit report or they will suffer the consequences.

    As far as the OC is concerned, I would make them validate also. Since you have proof that you paid it, they are reporting false information and can be taken to court as well. I have never had to deal with an original creditor so this is the course of action that I would take.

    Hope this helps.
  3. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    texpumpkin if you do a search you'll find a ton of stuff in regards to gulfstate and OSI... Just follow the path and you'll defeat them....
  4. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    What's the name of the case filed? and, do you know the cause of action?

  5. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Claudette N. Catlett vs Gulf State Credit, LLC to secure redress from allegedly unlawful debt collection practices in violation of the FDCPA and CROA. Pending class action status. This specifically effects those in IL but I'm sure it can be used other places.
  6. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    very cool, milkmom!!!! I'll check it out.


  7. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    If you have a fax, then I can send it to you. Let me know.
  8. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Milkmom...did I understand your post correctly? Are you saying that Equifax sent you this case? Can you give more details about how/why they did this?


  9. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Yes, they just sent it to me in the mail. I'm not really good with legal jargon but it seems to me that the case either is a class action or could be so every person who has an IL address and an account with Gulf State can get like $10 in damages or $25 off the bill depending on how much you owe. At the time, I was also disputing with them so I don't know if this is why I was sent the letter in the first place. There was no intro letter or anything, just an explanation letter of the lawsuit, who the lawyers for both sides are etc. Not too long after receiving that, I got the apology letter from Gulf/OSI. I guess I am the only one who has received this, eh? :) Sorry, not too much info I know.
  10. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member head is spinning...something is definately going on between Gulfstate and Equifax. They sent that out of the blue to you? Do you live in IL by any chance?

  11. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    WOW!!!!!!! They are in trouble..... I went to my site and tried to find if they'd been listed, but not as of yet... Our other friends RMA, Arrow, and GE Capital/Monogram Bank are there... I'm sure any day now though..... This will spell relief.. I can guarantee the employee who slipped that vital information to you was on their way out and felt a duty to get the word out, they also wanted to get back at their employer also.

    That's one of the most powerful things an employer is exposed to and can't prevent it. I could share some exciting stories about things, but this is not the right time. I'm just happy for everyone else that GulfState and Equifax may be wounded if in fact this is true. It could pave the way for things to come.... Good Post..
  12. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    Yes, we live on the WI/IL border so we get mail from both areas.

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