Well, I just got a response from the second letter that I sent Equifax about the reinsertion of two accounts. All they did was update the accounts ie changed the balances to $0. They did not acknowledge the fact that they disobeyed the FCRA in regards to reinsertion of previously deleted material. Thinking about taking the small claims plunge... Just a little history: Is my Equifax case strong enough? Do I have EQ over the barrell?
My only concern is that I do not have enough damages. I applied for a car loan that was denied not only because of the charge offs reporting but also for not being on the job long enough, and too many inquiries (I think). Would this case still hold water in court, ya think? I could use the 1-2K.
I hate to say this, but your case might not be the slam-dunk it originally appeared to be. After reading through the threads you alluded to in your first post, especially the points expounded by PsychDoc, Equifax can very well argue that you would have been denied credit even if they hadn't reinserted those entries. You definitely have them on a violation, but proving the damages is where you might fall short. But at the very, very least, though, I would file and settle for a deletion. wajaba
Love I'm awaiting response back from them on the same factors. Reinsertion... I got my signed RR back, it's been 4 days now??? wonder if i should pull a file...