I Am So Stupid!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by author_22, Apr 15, 2002.

  1. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    I fell for three "payday loan" scams today! What an idiot! What a ridiculous stupid idiot I am. The fees weren't high (like $22 each for 3 $400 loans for a month)

    I felt I HAD to do it! I am having HUGE jaw and teeth problems and they have to cut out wisdom teeth this week then do braces! I didn't want to clog up my credit cards or run more inquiries, I got a $2000 loan from Citibank, but they wouldn't approve more! My insurance doesn't cover it.

    I think I made a mistake. Tell me if I did or didn't!


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    If I did the math right...65% INTEREST...

  3. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    some of them charge $18/100 for 2 weeks. Roughly 450% interest.
  4. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Well, I haven't signed any loan documents or provided them a pay stub, so it's not too late to back out of it.

    But I need quick and "hidden" loans of cash for my medical problems. If I jam it all on credit cards, my scores will die.

    I will have the money in two weeks to pay back, as a school check (GRANT NOT LOAN!) of a $2,000 balance is definitely on the way!

    I don't know what to do. I wouldn't have considered it if I didn't have real medical needs. I can't ask anyone for the money because they don't have it either :(

  5. EAGLE

    EAGLE Well-Known Member

    Try to make arrangements with the Dentist

    directly, "plead your case", I can not imagine

    they would not want work it out for you, I always

    pay some time after work is already done, are

    they requiring full pmt. up front?
  6. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    I have tried. And Citibank picked a orthodontist for me. 90% of them refuse to treat someone over 18. The doctor is nice, I guess I can beg.

  7. cfand3boyz

    cfand3boyz Well-Known Member

    Do you have any family members that would be willing to loan you the money for two weeks? Also, I KNOW about wisdom teeth pain so you must take care of that. However, is it possible to wait a bit on the braces? Hope everything works out for you.

    I feel your pain with the wisdom teeth though. I remember pacing all night with that pain. I would have done ANYTHING if my insurance did not cover it(even payday loan if that was the only way) to stop that pain. You will start to feel better the minute they pull it out. Take care!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I'll send YA' my AMEX BLUE card...

    NEVER-MIND you will CHOKE on the lint...


    My old DENTIST (CALIFORNIA) always let us pay payments...up to 90 days...no problems...
  9. EAGLE

    EAGLE Well-Known Member

    I would not go any further with Pay Day Companies,

    cancel, they are ripoffs, if necessary you could

    always go to an ER for pain, I remember when I

    was like 17, I had option of ER or DDS for Wisdom

    teeth removal.

    I would not worry about credit card ratios right now,

    besides you will have cash in several weeks, so

    it won't matter any way.Beats the loan sharks.

    This subject presents an interesting idea, we

    should have a "Creditnetters Loan" to help

    those in need, w/2,000+ members we could

    use Pay Pal or C2it for small amounts by each

    member, & then they could repay @ future date,

    sort of informally, & if the member doesn't repay

    they just get "Flamed off the board, LOL".

    Hey someday we could have a CREDIT NET MEMBERS

    CREDIT UNION w/ .............you name it!!

    Hope all works out for you in the meantime.
  10. Deputy

    Deputy Well-Known Member

    I was just thinking the same thing. I will throw in 5 bucks if everyone else would. I have been there before.

    I will prove it. If you have a pay pal account...let me know, and I will send you the cash ($5). Lets see who would like to join me.

    It is my birthday today (the big 31), so I am in a good mood. Let me know, and I will send it to you in hopes that everyone else can find it in their hearts to help a friend in need.
  11. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Author_22, it's perfectly ok if your scores die for a billing cycle or two (unless you're about to close on a house). Don't be afraid to use credit because of how that will impact some artificial score somewhere. (And especially don't live your life according to FICO if it means you're going to pay 400% APR interest with some payday loan scammer!) Use your legitimate credit -- that's what it's for. And, as you said, you're going to pay it back within weeks anyway. Never use a payday loan vendor if you can help it.


    P.S. After you get through this, begin figuring out how to save an emergency fund of just a few thousand dollars during the next year or two -- a little at a time. (Hey, I realize you asked for short-term advice, but I thought I would throw some long-term advice too, lol.)
  12. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    I completely agree with Doc. Use the cards rather than the payday loans. Why would you spend more money to save a few FICO points? If you're going to receive the money in two weeks most of your credit cards probably won't have reported yet so you would have time to pay them off. Also, have you spoken to the orthodonist. Most offer payment plans. My orthodonist let us pay over 24 months, while my dentist offers a 90 payment plan. Good luck.

  13. aigle

    aigle Well-Known Member

    Why would "90% of orthodontists refuse to treat someone over 18" ? Is that so? I never heard that before.
  14. mfactor

    mfactor Well-Known Member

    Try asking the dentist to run the charge for approval, but to sit on it for 2 weeks until you get the cash to pay him. This way, if he gets the cash, you get the charge back(ie. it never gets sent in), if he doesn't get the cash, he has your credit card charged and either way he gets paid. This is the method used in las vegas for some show tickets. They approve the charge but don't actually bill until you pick the tickets up.
    Good luck
  15. mfactor

    mfactor Well-Known Member

    Just had another idea. A colleague of mine recently had his wisdom teeth removed, and they paid him. It was paid for by a drug company researching new pain killers, and they paid for the teeth removal in full, and gave him a few bucks for his time. Just a thought.
  16. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I go to Coast Dental which is a chain. They are heavily marketing their credit plan, both through the mail and in the clinic. I just went yesterday for cleaning and they have signs everywhere. See if you have one in town, or try another chain and check for credit programs. I have not tried their credit plan.
  17. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Author22 if you can somehow get out of that "Right Now" you'd be doing yourself a good dead. Those are Traps....There are so many legislations going on behind the scenes on those "RentaBank" deals... I've included a link where you can read up on the Federal organization that's pushing against this type of Loan sharking. Depending on your state there may be a law that can help you get out squeaky clean.

    If you do a search on Payday loan laws you'll get a landslide of info. These guys have gotten sneaky now, there using some crooked banks to filter their program thru them, but congress is trying to shoot that down and are pretty close. They also have a SalesLease Back to filter around also.. You put up you personal merch, they loan you money and they lease it back to you for payment!!! Anyways Run far away my friend. I was stupid back in 1997 and did the same. I never paid it back because you're just on a no ending money treadmill. They sent it to collections obviously, last year I used these laws i found.

    I asked the CA to provide me a copy of the Truth In Lending that displays the Finance charges and explanation of method of compounding. I also stated the fact the money was given in a state that has a Usuary Law that prohibits and has small loan % cap... My AG is interested in companies doing such business They never provided me the information, i sent another letter and finally called. I was told They would send deletion letters and they did. So Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  18. Hope

    Hope Well-Known Member

    Try this service:


    I had to have a root canal a while ago and I got a loan from them. They specialize in payment arrangements for dentistry.
  19. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    I am smart again!

    I went to American General's website and got $1000. It is an unsecured loan with 12% interest, payments over 24 months. I got the check in hand today from a local office.

    They told me they give a LOT of no credit/slow credit/bad credit loans without cosigners. If you have those issues and need like $5,000 - then you need collaterel that's paid off or a good co-signer.

    They usually don't report until the end of the loan unless you ask them to, to preserve your abilities to get other credit. I chose this option.

    GREAT people! Still looking for one more decent option then off to the docs I go........
  20. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    Re: I am smart again!

    May I suggest something? Try going to the school of denistry in your area. It is often MUCHHHHH cheaper.

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