OT - What does landlord owe on mort

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tmitchell, Apr 16, 2002.

  1. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Kinda off-topic but since there are several here buying homes, this should be easy.

    My landlord claims she wants to sell the home I am currently renting from her. She was very vague/secretive when I asked her what she owed on the house. Is there a way I can find out what is owed on the mortgage?

    I went to homegain.com and did a search for home values but the address did not generate any matches.
  2. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    I have used online county assessor website to see how much the house cost when bought, date bought and assessed value. I have even called the county courthouse to see who holds the warranty deed and get information that way as well.
    Sorry, didn't answer your question, but could be a start.
  3. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    What's this online county assessor website address?
  4. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    I use a search engine such as google.com and type in the county name that I live in with assessors office, such as Montgomery County assessors office. Also some states have access for all of the counties.
  5. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Thanks. It was a huge help. Found out landlord bought it from a relative for $1.00 in 1994! Man, she told me she owed about $45K on it and wanted to sell it by next March and that she only wanted to get back what she owed.

    She's hammering me for $750/month! Ouch!
  6. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    She may have taken out a home equity loan on the house to pay off other debt or do improvements, so she may not be lying to you about oweing $45k on a mortgage.

    Why do you need to know what she owes? What does that help you with? It's the "market" that drives rents and home prices.
  7. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Im interested because I was in a lease-purchase on a home 3 doors down. That lease-purchase was set to expire this month. 6 months ago, I talked to my landlord at the time about an extension because my student loans wouldn't be rehabbed until next month. He said no and backed me into a corner.

    This lady, my new landlord, was moving out at the time and said she would rent to me for 12-18 months and then sell to me for about what she owed (about $45k). That would give me some extra time to complete my credit repair and rehab my student loans so I said OK.

    During the last 3 months or so, I started to question whether she really wants to sell the house or if my $750/month to her made her rethink selling it and opt to continue renting it out. If she decides, becasue of her positive rental experience with me, to not sell, I need to make arrangements because I don't want to rent forever.

    If she, in fact, owes nothing, she is making a killing by renting it out at $750/month. By knowing what she owes, I can better gauge her intentions because her actions seem real vague right now.

    Sorry so long.
  8. Igotarock

    Igotarock Well-Known Member

    tmitchell, Good luck in your detective work. A friend of mine once found out that the rent he was paying to share an apartment in the city was not only covering the full apartment rent, but a majority of the mortgage on a house his roommate had purchased upstate! Talk about feeling used! I know it's business, but you really have to question everything to not get taken advantage of! Let us know how things work out for you.
  9. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    Also when I search the assessors website, it should give you the owners name. I then use that and input that into the field for owners name to see what other properties they have. I use this tool many times, when I am looking for a home I am considering to rent or buy. The last home I answered an ad to was bought 30 years ago at 25K, so that house was paid for. The owners name came up 3 more times for other houses, but all under 50K and bought 20+ years ago. That is when I knew that her asking $1800.00 a month in rent was highway robbery.
  10. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    You can have a title search done for about $100-$150. Still, if I rented a house to someone for $750 and that was what the rental market would bear, it really wouldn't matter if I owned it free and clear, or had a 70k mortgage on it. It is still worth $750 a month.

  11. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Why do you need to know what she owes and what does it have to to with what price she is asking?
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Why does HE or She Need this INFO>"?
  13. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    2*So what so you think she should do,rent it to you for ten cents a month until she get her dollar back??
  14. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    The owner has the right to do as he pleases with the rent money.If he does this or just flushes the money down the toilet it is non of the renters business:!
  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    All of this has nothing to do with with what the rent is worth.
  16. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member


    Were you born this way or did you get dropped as a child, or a third option - are you still a child? Do you ever read posts before you go off? What she owes has nothing to do with the rent she is charging. When she tells me outright that she is gonna sell to me for what she owes and says it's about $45K but then becomes very vague and evasive when I actually make an offer several months later, I begin to question whether she has/had any intention to sell to begin with.

    My concern, as I've stated before MORON, is that if she owes nothing and is collecting $750/month she may decide or have decided and not told me yet that she has no intention of selling. That affects me in a very serious way because I just came into $10K and I'm undecided whether I should use it as a downpayment or pay off my car and student loan.

    So, you see, MORON that the selling price is directly related to what she owes on the property so it's in my best interest to get a straight answer either from her (which isn't happening) or from some detective work.

    Does that answer your questions - MORON?
  17. keepmine

    keepmine Well-Known Member


    Your best bet may be to speak with a realtor with access to MLS and see what comparable homes have sold forin that area. If she sells, she'll sell for as much as she can get.
  18. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    You have a right to disagree with what I posted and I respect your right to do so.
    However the name calling is out of line and has no place on the board.
  19. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Yeah...personal attacks aren't very nice regardless of how annoying the provocation.

  20. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    I respectfully disagree whyspers. This is not the first time lbrown has responded to a post of mine with mean-spirited sarcasm. Unless this child can respond as an adult, he shouldn't respond at all. I get fed up with it sometimes.

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