How often are these scores updated. I finally decided to try the 30day free trial. as of yesterday my scores were 599. But today a neg 30day late was changed to never late and an positive status. But the scores still says (4/16/02-score 599) when are the scores updated.
The score are updated 24 hours after the last updated score. You can tell it updated as the date on the chart will change to the current date. What ever time that happens, the next score update will be when you sign in after 24 hours has passed. Please search for existing threads that cover the topic in depth.
the are updated everyday. check again this afternoon, sometimes it takes "a minute" for the the score to update. i signed up 10 days ago and have been very happy. good luck
Javan, While daily updates do happen, it is a matter of the time the last time he signed in and his score updated. For example, lets say yesterday he didn't sign in at all until 8pm. Well, his score will not be updated unless he signs in after 8pm today. His report will update and be accurate throughout the day, but the score will only update 24hrs from the last update. Now, if he doesn't pull one at all today, his score would update no matter what time he pulls in tomorrow, say 6am and would update anytime he signed in after 6 am the day after.
That is *if* there are any changes in the score...otherwise, I've noticed it can take up to a week for them to "update" the date. L
I have never had the date in the chart not change every day (keeping in mind in was over 24hrs from the last update). It is the only way to know for sure the score is updated, even if it didn't change. I usually sign in the morning to see if my report changed but then I have to sign in after about 5pm now to see if the score changed. I check it every day except for those days i skip so that the following day I can pull the report early in the day to reset the 24 clock. You have to wait longer and longer each day for the update obviously. If I pulled at 8am the first day i signed up, then the next day say I pulled at 8:30, the next day I have to pull after 8:30 (say I forget until 10am), well then the next day I have to pull after 10am to get an updated score. The only way to reset the time to an earlier time is to skip a day and then pull early the following day. Keep in mind, the date I am refering to is the date floating in the chart, NOT the date below the chart. That date will reflect the last date that there was a CHANGE in the score, not the last UPDATE in the score. The last UPDATE in score date is reflected in box inside the chart box.
Thanks, you are probably right. I think the service is wonderful. Originally I was only going to kepp it "28" days then cancel, but I'm most likely going to keep it for the full year. How long have you benn signed up?
It quit working for me after 6 months and their technical people could not get it working, even after three weekd of trying. I finally got my money back a few weks ago. I get the impression they take your complaint and file it in the trash. They are useful when they work and I would do it again if I thought they could get it working again.
I like the service also. I don't think your score will drop a whole lot with a 30 day, had one hit but it was an error and my score only drop 3 points.
I signed up somewhere around Sept 2001. In that time I've had as low as a 714 and as high as 784. I've never had any problems except when they are down for maintence/problems. But those are usually resolved in a short period of time. As for the service, I really like it as well. This and now Credit Watch are my two favorite services. Credit Watch for a little less money is nice because of the real FICO score. But I like the score charting in CE. FYI, I once had my score in CE drop 42 points in a matter of days when a large chunck of debt showed up. That eventually turned into 60 points within 30 days. But, with the debt all but gone, I am within 20 points of my high.