Ok guys its collection time! LOL I received a letter today from the court, the judgment has been done and entered as of 4-12 and will bear interest at the rate of 9%. I'm trying to find information on how to go about collecting it now, any useful sites/information? On a side note - the accounts are still on my reports. I've sent a copy of the letter (from the lawyer) to the CRA's and still nothing. How should I proceed? THANKS!
You're awesome! Way to go!!! I don't know how you'd go about collecting these funds, but I hope you get it done quickly.
I shall do a happy dance for you....lol Sorry,i'm in a wierd mood today.... CONGRATS!!!!!!! Take your self out for a night on the town to celebrate your victory!!
It may be time to call a lawyer. Since the debtor is in another state, you're going to have to "domesticate the judgement" in the debtors state. After you do that, snaggle their bank account. You ought to be able to get a bank reference from their surety bond or liscense application.
If you've already disputed them once with the bureaus, sue the bureaus. With your lawsuit against the ca done, it'd be a slam dunk. You're going to get some nice money out of this whole thing... I'm guessing 500-1k Tu, 500-1k Equ, and Experian seems to settle for more... 2-3k range. Congrats
Hey Donna, Did you go through a process server to get them served in another state or did you get the sheriffs office to do it? Just curious because I'll be filing on Friday and the defendants are in another state.
Congratulations!! I think that if enough people sue, everyone's rights will be protected. Now we have to be on the lookout for collection agency groups lobbying Congress to change the laws so we can't do this.
Thanks everyone! I had their registered agent served by the sheriff. I faxed a letter with the copy of the lawyers letter to the CRA's on the 8th and then again a few days later and the accounts are still on there. In the lawyers letter it says the CA has already requested the accounts be deleted and that was date 3-25. Would that be enough or should I send CRR?
It was watching your case develop that gave me the confidence that I could develop the same process with a similar result. Now I have an answer from Equifax and am waiting on Trans Union. Both suits are for $4000 each. I'm hoping, of course that I do not have to show up in court, Idaho is a bit different that way. The judges and lawyers actually have time up here. I actually had a judge stop court, go into his chambers and call to verify a fact. Unheard of in a small cases in California. Because of what it is, CreditNet is light on "what happens in court" type information. Hopefully we won't have to find out. <grin> Thanks for your courage, one and all. I plan on asking for money, anyone who has done it right knows the time and expense involved. I think the CA's should have to pay for their lessons. CBJ
What state are you in? Look up the registered agent in your state, you can generally find it on the Secretary of States page for that state. If there isn't a registered agent for the company, check to see if they are licensed to do business in your state, which if they are not is probably a violation of some sort, others will be able to better say. In Idaho our Clerk will serve out of state by certified mail in small claims actions, check with your clerk. Also, I'm finding a lot of states have pamphlets on how to deal with a summons, ect. CBJ
Donna, you need to send them an Information Subpeona (I think its called Examination of Judgment Debtor or something like that). They are supposed to fill it out and send it back to you. In the alternative, you could send an Information Subpeona to banks in their area to find out if the Judgment Debtor has an account with them. Once you find out where they bank, you can send the judgment to the Marshall (you have to know where they may have accounts) and he will freeze the assets of the account and basically collect it for you. Hope this helps! Oh...also meant to say that you should be able to obtain the forms from the clerk where you obtained the judgment. Good luck! L