Worth it to get an attorney?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lisamar378, Apr 18, 2002.

  1. lisamar378

    lisamar378 Active Member

    I don't know all the specifics of my credit history off the top of my head but back when I started college I had trouble with one credit card and one bounced check. The credit card was settled but since it went through several collection agents they still appear on my report. I have had no late payments or derogitory info in the past 3 years.. I have no idea what my credit score is or how to repair the damage that is done. Since I am planning on purchasing a home within the next year do you think it's worth it to hire an attorney to clear up the stuff on my credit report, I'd rather not pay a 9% interest rate.
  2. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the board, lisamar378. Short answer, no, it wouldn't be worth it to hire an attorney, at least based on the information you've given us. If I were you, I would 1) get copies of my credit reports to have a better idea of what I'm dealing with; 2) search and read postings on this board that might pertain to my situation(s); and 3) put the money that I would have used for an attorney towards the home.

    Good luck,

  3. Keller

    Keller Well-Known Member

    "DITTO" and WELCOME!

    This board is ALL that you need to help you. It has been wonderful for me. I have learned so much in a VERY short time! You are smart for planning ahead, too. One year is not at all to early to begin your credit repair process. Good luck and see you around.

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