I pulled a score on EQ on 4/15 (589). After disputing a few incorrect items with Equifax the score on 4/17 jumped to 657. The FICO reasons changed as well. Its as if the items at Equifax are ignored during a consumer dispute. Thought you fellow CreditNetters might find that juicy tidbit VERY INTERESTING.
You are correct - But it only works on Equifax. And if the items come back verified, down goes the score GT
Very interesting. Equifax does have the right approach. Anything disputed should not be included in the score. Now, anyone know where I can apply for a nice big LOC based upon my Equifax with the items in dispute? My state of residence is New Jersey.
Just remember, if you go out and apply for and are approved for a LOC or prime c.c., and those items that were in dispute are verified, and your score goes back down, when the company you received your c.c. from or LOC from pulls an AR on your report and sees the newly added derog accounts, they may close your account, or raise your APR, or lower your credit line.
Also, I suspect (not positive) that these disputed items are still somehow coded so when a CR or score is pulled, it will flag the file for manual review which means the item will still be seen by the potential creditor. L
Re: Score Rockets during dispute WT This has nothing to do with Equifax. It has to do with what the applied scoring algorithm is "told" to do with entries shown in dispute. The fact the Beacon score ignores disputed items won't mean a thing if the lender you apply with uses a different scoring algorithm. Most of them use at least one "inhouse" score + preconditioning (such as: applicants w/ BK are declined regardless of score). Saar
Re: Score Rockets during dispute WT yup dispute equifax then apply. i got my target card and prolly got my citibank BDD using this method!! it works!! some of the time
Re: Score Rockets during dispute WT Applied for and recieved online a Target Visa @ 15.9% with a CL of $1500. Confirmed that they pulled my EQ. This "offer" was based upon a score of 734. So that worked. Anyone have ideas of other creditors who may pull only EQ?
Re: Score Rockets during dispute WT Holy Smokes, Just also got approved for an Amex based on my EQ report. Even if temporary am I loving this 700+ score.
Re: Score Rockets during dispute WT Let me know of any other "Who's Pulling What"?? That is a big help.
Re: Score Rockets during dispute WT I also applied for Juniper and Citibank. Neither instantly approved my request. "Further processing necessary, we will let you know in 30 days." I am assuming these are both ultimately denials, but maybe I will be surprised.
Re: Score Rockets during dispute WT That's the way it's SUPPOSED to work. Unfortunately, my score actually DROPPED 20 points due to a older (1998) paid charge-off being in dispute. Makes absolutely no sense to me.. Ah well, maybe it'll finally get removed this time.
Re: Score Rockets during dispute WT I sent the procedure letter to Equifax. They received it 4/10. They started another investigation today 4/19 instead of sending the procedure information I requsted. They only decided to investigate 1 item but it put my score up by 34 pts! I logged into scorepower and was like wt_?? Your score definately does jump when they put an item into dispute.