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credit repair firms- post results..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kit, Apr 20, 2002.

  1. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Making progress on my credit reports- but as you all are well aware, it takes alot of time and effort to get it done. Haven't and won't consider paying for credit repair for myself.
    Problem? My husband's credit reports- they are dismal. Literally ALL BADDIES, NO good tradelines-- good guy, terrible money manager. He has some real WHOPPERS. I am just too busy with my own credit to deal with this his as well...

    So here is my Question: which is the BEST credit repair firm for the money? Again, he has NO GOOD credit so no fear of getting "good" tradelines deleted. If you have had any luck with one of the credit repair firms, please post for comparison.
  2. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    If I was you I would give it a shot with your husband's reports... just send out a few of the basic letters and then wait and see before you go pay for someone else to do it...

    A friend of mine paid $400 to some company (don't remember then name) and yeah sure they got a few things deleted, but I seriously think he could have gotten the same results himself. ALSO, EXP send my friend back one of the letters that the credit repair co. sent to them saying that they are not going to take action on the items listed because it doesn't look like the letter came from him. He showed me the letter and i was hysterical (laughing that is!)! Any creditnetter could have written a better letter!! and they didn't have his signature on it and it looked like a form letter... the disputes were "verify this was ever late" and "verify the accuracy in accordance with the FCRA"... WOW! Needlesstosay his reaction was "I paid $400 for this??!!??"

    I would just say to do the premilinary work first and see what you can get done on your own. But that's just my opinion... : )
  3. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    YOU(or your dh)!!!

    You are the BEST CREDIT REPAIR FIRM OUT THERE!!! I would dedicate a portion of your time to his reports OR teach your dh to do it himself. This will help him:
    1. to learn what his mistakes were
    2. develop and implement a solution/remedy
    3. he will know what it takes to maintain his higher credit score.

    Explain to your dh that if he dedicates an hour EVERYDAY to investigating, researching, writing letters, and checking the Creditnet board, within 90 days he'll see difinate results. He will also have the satisfaction of knowing he DID IT HIMSELF!!

    I started my "quest" on March 10th, 2002, and to date I have had at least 10 tradelines deleted from EACH of the 3 CRA reports!!!!

    Good luck to you and your dh!
  4. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Re: credit repair firms- post resul

    Haaaaaaaa! What a thread.
  5. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: credit repair firms- post resul

    Ok, ok... yeah, I know I can do it- I've proven that to myself. But heck, I have a dissertation to write (I accidently included some credit acronyms in my last chapter and I'm a scientist-- perhaps a symptom of my creditnet addiction but thats a different post altogether).

    Get my dh involved-- umm, fat chance. I handle the finances in the family. Period. If I say the words "credit" or "money" - he shuts down like a nuclear power plant on red alert. It just isn't his "bag." But, of course, his credit is my credit (at least in the context of big purchases such as cars and mortgages)- I knew this when I said "I do" and it was a risk I was/am willing to take.

    So, after I have babbled on, and on, and on... just need some feedback... If I DO decide to get outside assistance which one of these outfits is the best for the money. Lexington and junum seem to stick out as the ones most people have used in the past-- just hoping that maybe someone has some results to share.
  6. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Re: credit repair firms- post resul

    Dude, if Lexington and Junum appear to you to be the best available, you REALLY need to do it yourself. You are here on the creditnet message board, the single best place to gather all the info and resources you need to effectively and economically do the work yourself.

    I can assure you that if you feel you must retain a credit repair company to take care of your needs, you can do a lot better than either of those 2 companies.
  7. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

  8. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: credit repair firms- post resul

    superadman- yes, I know you do not like lexington (especially) or icr or junum or credit repair firms in general. You have made this clear in your previous posts. I got it. Now... looking for others experience, good or bad, with these or any other companies out there...
  9. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

  10. kittiekat3

    kittiekat3 Well-Known Member

    Re: credit repair firms- post resul

    ICR Services is the one I was talking about in my previous post above. Definetley DON'T use them.. LOL Or you can give me $400 and I'll write your letters for you!!!!!! : )
  11. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: credit repair firms- post resul

    my guidelines: i will not pay more than twice what it would cost me in crrr postage + time each month which comes out to about 60 bucks. If they are not upfront with cost and guarantees- i will not look at them. Add this to the negative feedback i have read on this and other sites-- icr is definitely out.

    charlieslex- trying to access the yahoo forum, but i have to sign-up first. still waiting on confirmation email and will check it out when i can get in. thanks for the info.
  12. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Re: credit repair firms- post resul

    kit-My opinion, ANYONE who guarantees removal/deletion of an item should be watched very carefully. I don't think anyone can do that. Look at this board with all the knowledge, and still people have negatives. Be wary. Charlie
  13. Keller

    Keller Well-Known Member

    Re: credit repair firms- post resul

    kit, charlieslex is right on the money. Believe me, I think we ALL want "instant gratification" and some us NEED it more than others. However, here is a little tip that I use. It may be helpful to you so I'll share. Nothing miraculous . . .but just the same:

    When you write a letter to one CRA on your behalf, do the same for your hubby. The basic form is still there and all you have to do is change out your name. Addresses are still the same, the date will still be the same, etc.

    The basic dispute will still be the same. You just might have to change out creditors. It'll only take 5 minutes more than you just doing yours. Try it for a couple of months. You'll see that it really didn't take anymore of your time to do "two".

  14. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Your thread has been hijacked!

    Try again. There are many people on here who have used credit repair firms, and can tell you how it went.

    These folks seem to have an axe to grind, not experience to share.
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    You CAN do it yourself...there are a lot of sucessful stories on here.

    Some credit repair companies have cost the customer GOOD ACCOUNTS...the problem with removing GOOD accounts is SOLVED...(so they say).
  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Take it slow...

    Do one or two "BADDIES" and see how it goes...
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Try on-line...
  18. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    thanks breeze. no offense to previous posters... but I am only looking for people to share their real-life experiences with these companies. Can I do it myself? Yes. Would I have just as much success? Probably. Do I want to extra hassle? No. Can I change the oil in my car? Yes. Could I do it just as well as my mechanic? Probably. Do I want the extra hassle? No.

    get the drift...

    PS George... no problem with getting rid of GOOD accounts, he has none!
  19. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    If someone asks for experience with XXXX why does everyone have to tell them something else??

    Jeepers. She said she doesn't want to do it herself. This i snot a hard-core do-it-yourself board. Many many people have used credit repair firms, and shared their successes and problems in the past.

    While you're waiting for the answers you requested, have you tried the "search" feature? You can get much much info once you get past some of the nonsense by those with an axe to grind.

    Probably you will get better answers on Monday, when more people are active here.
  20. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    have searched out and found info on lexington and junum on this board. I have found some useful info but I know there have to be a few people with RECENT experience with these (Deputy- hopefully you can chime in soon on lexington?) as well as other companies... there are just a whole lot of them out there (and knowing what I know), I want to make sure I am getting in with a good crowd. Hopefully, someone can contribute info on responsiveness, timeliness, cost (and refunds if requested), etc. etc.

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