Way OT - Kentucky

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Dani, Apr 22, 2002.

  1. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry for posting this in the Credit Forum since it off topic, but if I posted it to the General Forum, I was afraid no one would read it.

    Has anyone here been to (or live) in Kentucky?
    I was going to go for the weekend and wanted to know nice places to stay, fun things to do, etc.

    I haven't even decided what city (cities) I should visit. Thank you for all help. My e-mail is enabled if anyone would like to respoind. Thanks, again.


    PS Kentucky is part of my "Visit the 50 States Before I Die Tour". Only 42 to go!
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Dani, I'm from Kentucky originally. This time of year, there are lots of things to do. If you like horses, the Kentucky Horse Park is great...(can't remember when the Keeneland sales are, but I am thinking its around this time of year...unless its February) also, depending on where you will be and how far you want to drive, Mammoth Caves is a nice day...if you want to do the family thing and hike and stuff, Natural Bridge is nice. A day at the lake boating, paddle boats, hiking, etc. and a nice place to stay would be Buckhorn Lake. Just depends on what you like to do :) Have fun!

  3. Momof3

    Momof3 Well-Known Member

    Hi Dani, don't know anything about Kentucky, but if the 42 states you have remaining have NH or PA on the list, I could offer some suggestions:)
  4. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Hi Mom,

    I have been to PA - Pittsburgh, Gettysburg, the Poconos. I haven't been to NH though. Maybe this winter. :) Is summer or winter the best time to go?

  5. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member


    Thanks for your reply. Is Mammoth Caves and the Natural Bridge close to each other? I don't mind the drive. Also, am I missing anything by not visiting Louisville or Frankfurt?

  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Natural Bridge is in eastern Kentucky and I think Mammoth Cave is in central Kentucky, but I'm not sure. Haven't been to Mammoth Cave since I was a kid, but grew up about an hour or less from Natural Bridge. *I* don't think there is anything in Frankfort to see, unless you want to see the Governor's Mansion, etc. Louisville has Churchill Downs and is pretty close to Ohio, so you could do both Kentucky and Ohio in one weekend...lol.

    I think I would recommend the Lexington area. Perryville Battlefield is close and there are tons of things to do. I'm sure the Chamber of Commerce has a website. I'm so jealous!!! I haven't been in several years (although my oldest goes to boarding school there and my parents live there) and I'm homesick...lol. Hope you have fun!


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