I was reading the advice you gave to gmatt in this thread. I am tempted to use a similar 100-word statement to get the reinserted accounts removed (again) permanently. What do you advise? If anyone else has advice/opinion, please chime in. My history
Lizardking, I thought about adding a statement to each reinserted account, something like this: "Equifax blatantly disregards the FCRA by not correcting their credit reporting. This acct was disputed and deleted in 1999, and reinserted without notice required by the FCRA section XXXX."
You can call the CRA and ask for a supervisor and they will delete it and block it. They use a different terminology than "block". Charlie
The word you are looking for is "SUPPRESS"... The CRAs will "suppress" a tradeline, and it will never show up again. *** bing bing bing we have a winner *** (sorry, I just woke up -- our 10 month old daughter kept us up all night practically) Love, I'm not going to give specific advice about whether you should use a statement like that, LOL... the reason is that you never know which way they'll go vis-a-vis flagging your account for "troublemaker" (a.k.a. frivolous) status. On the other hand, I have heard of people doing that successfully. Ok, I will give advice after all. If I was considering using such a statement, I would make it the last item I was disputing. That way, I would literally have nothing to lose -- i.e., I wouldn't be risking that subsequent disputes with that CRA would be ignored. Good luck, and DEFINITELY keep us posted! This one's fun. Doc
SUPPRESS="HARD DELETE" That is what they did to my AMEX BLUE account when I demanded that they put $15,500 NOT N/A for the credit limit...
Well, just got off the phone with a EQ supervisor. (This is not in exact order) He said that he will put in another investigation. Asked that I fax over the report showing where they deleted the accounts. Asked him if this meant another 30 days. He said yes... Once again, I have been bamboozled... BTW, he asked me twice why they deleted the accounts. I told him that acct info was wrong eg balances, credit limit. The second time I told him I would send him the cover letter that tells why they deleted (the cover letter that comes with the report). He also asked do I have a letter from the credit card companies. No. He asked what section of the FCRA . I gave him FCRA section (a)(5)(B). This does not look good...
BTW, he also asked if I subscribed to a credit monitoring service! What difference does that make?!?!?!?
Love, This is just a guess, but he might be implying that subscribing to a credit monitoring service would provide all the notification you would need, absolving them from the 5-day reinsertion notice. Which would be complete bunk, of course, but it might be what he's getting at. wajaba
That's what I thought! Of course, my answer was no. That brings me back to a previous thread: Would this meet FCRA requirements?