I have a dilemma and I am debating what the course of action should be. I have checked my 3 credit reports and I have a collection account from Gulf State for $700.00, but it is only showing on Experian. I am afraid to validate on Gulf State or dispute with Experian, fearing they will then send the account info to the other CRA's and mess up reports that I have worked hard to clear up. It isn't scheduled to drop from the report until 2006. What would you guys do and what is the safest approach to this? Thanks for any help. (I know Gulf State are very hard to deal with).
Dispute and Validate! If Gulf State reports to the other CRA's, after receipt of validation, then they've commited a violation.
Dispute it. They probably only subscribe to EXP. And they cannot report it to the others during the 30 days that they have to provide you with proof. AND DOCUMENT EVERYTHING, RETURN RECEIPT, DO NOT CALL THEM!
Dispute it. BTW...Gulfstate subscribes to all of the bureaus. Gulfstate is only hard to deal with until you get to Compliance. Then they are very easy to deal with. L