How to delete public record of BK??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by King, Apr 22, 2002.

  1. King

    King Well-Known Member

    OK guys, I have done 2 rounds of disputes with all 3 CRA's. I had some sucess which I have posted previously so I won't go into it again. But I need help. I am ready to hire a Credit repair firm to do one thing only.

    Go after and delete the public record of my BK on all 3 CRA's.

    I believe Kelly told me in chat that she or her husband managed to get rid of a public BK record using Lexington.

    Have any of you had any luck with this and which repair firm did you use?

    Please be a friend to me and don't tell me to dispute it myself. And please don't tell me about other things the credit repair firms did for you. I only care about this 1 matter. I am really interested in Lexington and Schold.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    King, I have disputed and had public records removed quite easily just by disputing directly with the CRA's. Fed Tax Lien, 2 judgements and a foreclosure. I have helped friends get these off and I have gotten an Attorney General Child Support arrears made into a positive tradeline. Go figure. I have been told that only Attorney General child support and student loans couldn't be deleted because they are on 30 day tapes. I guess I was lucky on the child support. The guy wasn't a deadbeat he wasn't properly served BUT the Att Gen still made it a $35000 hicky. Dispute, dispute, dispute. Charlie
  3. lg

    lg Well-Known Member

    King how old is your bk? Mine was discharged on 10-2001 and would like to do the same. was looking into lexington myself, and wonder who has had success. if you go lexington let me know i may go with lexington, but not until next month.
  4. King

    King Well-Known Member

    Chap 7 from '97. 5 years old. 5 to go.
  5. lg

    lg Well-Known Member

    King would be nice to get them nasty 7's to go away. thats what i filed too...
  6. King

    King Well-Known Member

    Congrats. I actually posted to you once before but it became 1 of those famous disappearing posts.

    I need a lawyer to get rid of a BK. They are tough.

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    When you use "QUOTE" twice in a very short time on the same sometimes get's sent into CYBER-SPACE...
  8. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    King, I read in another very recent post that someone was saying that all Lexington does is dispute with the CRA's. So I wouldn't use them, since you've alreday disputed the CRA's. Charlie
  9. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

  10. King

    King Well-Known Member

    Bump. Once only. LOL

    This is important to me so I decided to bump the post 1 time. It may very well be that no credit repair company has succeeded in getting a public BK to disappear.

    Thanks for your answers and your lack of answers if there were no deletions.
  11. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    King, Have you tried due I think that they can help you? Charlie
  12. Voyager

    Voyager Well-Known Member has some pretty interesting info. I didn't know I could have had my student loans discharged along with my chapter 7. I filed due to my disability in 1999 and my lawyer never told me any of this. I hope, maybe, this will be able to help with my student loan debt as I never will ever be able to pay them back unless I stay in school the rest of my life, which was my only plan.

    It did not say anything about getting a bk off the public record, however.
  13. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to add that Student loans aren't dischargeable unless you could have proved "undue hardship" which is next to impossible to do.

    They used to be able to be discharged if they were over 7 years old, but that law changed back in 94 or 95.

    When you file for bk, everything you owe is listed in your bk petition. The thing is, not every type of debt (like sl's, child support, certain taxes etc.) is dischargeable. You can read about the process at legal sites.

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