I moved a couple of months ago. I have not done any disputing since the beginning of the year and need to get some disputes out. One of the things I would like to have corrected with the CRA's is my new address. We all know what a pain the CRA's are when it comes to getting a copy of your report with a recent change of address. I'm hoping to accomplish the address change at the same time I send my disputes in (using the info from my last report). What would be the proper documentation to send the CRA's the new address (copy of driver's license, utility bill, etc.)? I have changed the address on most of my credit cards, but I know there are a few that I have not yet changed. Whether that has done the address change on my reports or not, I don't know. I know the CRA's are attempting to prevent fraud, but I really don't feel like donating a DNA sample to accomplish this...LOL!
I believe when you apply for credit using a new address that will 'update' your address with the CRAs. Also, your creditors reporting the new address may have already updated it also. Have you tried to pull a report using your new address yet? When I moved I never had to contact the CRAs to get my address changed. It happened automatically via the above methods. Maybe the rules have changed, maybe not.
I believe the Creditors will update your credit report, I just moved a week ago and EXP is already showing my new address and I haven't disputed in a few months for myself either. I would just call the CB's and ask them whatt they need, then ask for fax numbers.
It is true that creditors will update your new address to the bureaus when you update it with them, but if you have an account that is not active or closed, they still update and your old address keeps popping back up, I still have this trouble and we moved last June, every other month it seems my old address pops back up, as of now Experian has the old, which I have sent them a letter to correct, this will be the third time with them grrrrrrr. Also I never sent them anything other than a letter stating this is my new address that was my old, I never sent them a copy of DL. bill etc.
No, I have not tried to get any reports since January. I have done a lot of my past disputing online. I guess I'm afraid I will get blocked from doing the online thing. Maybe I will just dispute offline and inform them of my new address. I moved in Feb. and updated most of my accounts at that time. There are a couple of accounts that I am pretty sure I changed the address on and the statements had the correct new address on the last statement, but somehow reverted back to the old address and were forwarded to me. I think Monogram Bank retail accounts are notorious for doing this as this happened to me with one of my accounts the last time I moved. Thanks for the responses.