credit repair firms- post results..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kit, Apr 20, 2002.

  1. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Do a search for "Schrold" on this board. I've seen several commentaries on his work.

  2. Laray

    Laray Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    I used Lexington from March to September of last year, though I had fairly good results, I learned you have to stay on them, their payment process sucks, they claim my bank denied payment, tried to drop me from teh program, call the bank and they say they never received a payment from them...finally after getting someone on the phone, they told me their was a mastercard listed under my account (for payment), I have never owned a mastercard!

    I was so upset and ready to say forget it all together, but they gave me a few months free for my troubles.

    I started out with 13 latenesses and now have have.

    They removed a collection account from my eq and tu as well as a discover account with five latenesses from all three CRA's.

    After a while, when round 3 came around they were disputing the same thing they did in round 2, so I dropped them to do it myself.
  3. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    This may sound like a stupid question. But if all credit repair agencies do is to send dispute letters to the CRA's what good can that do? If they can get it deleleted for some reason or another, but SOL is say 2 years away, can't the debt be re-sold and you end up with the same problem? My assunption is they dispute as not mine, but are not seeking validation. For instance you have a debt that is really yours, they dispute it, it comes back verified....then what? it still stays on your report.
    I may be missing the point.
  4. Tripleator

    Tripleator Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    They will just keep disputing the verified item to the credit reporting agency until it falls off. The creditor gets sick of it or just somehow throughout the process it comes off. It will always have the option of coming back on if the creditor resubmits it or if they sell it to a CA and they report it. It is all a matter of chance. Hope it doesn't get verified and hope the debt won't be reported again.
  5. whatever

    whatever Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    So I should use a credit repair company about 3-6 months before I want to make a major purchase that a lower APR could be granted, due to the deletions on my creidt report, that may come back?
  6. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Trip - although I think perhaps had you not been "discovered" by Doc you would not have disclosed your affilliation with Archer, I still value your honesty in coming clean here... not an easy thing.
  7. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Trip, I concur with Kit. I appreciate what it took to make that last post. The good thing is that now you're free to participate here fully. We want to hear more about your experiences working professionally in the field. If you dole out free advice now and then and don't make advertising-only postings, then I bet you'll drum up some business. Finally, your web site looks great (other than the security problem pbm mentioned).

    I would recommend you look at how Creditwork presents himself here. He participates fully and gives lots of free advice, but he also puts his company name and url in his signature (see account prefs), which is fine!

    Anyway, Trip, thanks again for the forthright posting.

  8. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    I'll attempt to return this thread back to the original poster's intention... with an on-topic posting.

    I began my personal credit repair back in March of 2001 when I signed up with Lexington Law Firm through a banner on this board. At that time, I did some lurking but hadn't yet signed up as a full participant... I was with for three months. During that time, they were great. They deleted five toughie student loan tradelines from Trans Union and got a couple of other deletions from Experian and Equifax (although those student loan trades that were successfully removed from TU remained on the other two). During this time, I began to read this board much more closely, and in late June I began participating as PsychDoc. It was at that point that I came across a pivotal posting by LizardKing; he really inspired me (and others) to bring my own small claims lawsuits against the three CRAs. I immediately decided to quit Lexington and begin taking matters into my own hands. Also in June, I purchased what was basically a month's worth of consultation from the controversial Bill Bauer at This was money well spent -- he helped me to dislodge a particularly nasty student loan tradeline (I had a slew of these), and I posted about that in detail here last year. It was Bill's influence (as well as John Gliha's influence at, combined with a smattering of advice from my brother who is an attorney, that resulted in my putting together what became the Nutcase letter, lol. (I had three great successes with Nutcase, and have posted about that as well here, and was happy to see a string of others enjoy success with it as well.)

    So, bottom line, I was VERY happy with both Lex and Bill and considered it money well spent. However, I confess that my greatest accomplishments in credit repair were NOT the result of the paid consultation at all -- rather, it was reading Lizardking, LKH, Marie, breeze, and others here that resulted in my big victories with the CRAs. I've got three clean credit bureau reports now! :D

    So now that I've sung everyone's praises, I'll stop, lol. I recommend everything I've done for everyone, LOL. Seriously, I can't speak for other consultants, but I do have nice things to say about the ones I used. I hope this is helpful.

  9. jason

    jason Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Careful, Matt. You know as well as I do that Lexington does creditor-direct disputing (if not, then who taught you?)
  10. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    I wonder if the Fox Television Network would host "The Battle of the Credit Repair Titans"? A 60-second promotional spot might go something like this:

    LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, there's no need for you to find a ticket scalper because we've got the best seats in the house -- right at your house. That's right! On Friday, May 31, at 10 p.m., FOX brings you "THE BATTLE OF THE CREDIT REPAIR TITANS"! They're big. They're bad. They're latter day saints. In one corner, we have the well-known Jason. He's light on his feet and comes out swinging. In the opposing corner, we have Matt, the prodigal son who once worked for Jason but turned against him of late. Who'll win? Find out May 31 on FOX, your network for television excitement!

    Or maybe not.

  11. Tripleator

    Tripleator Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Sorry PsychDoc, probably not. I would lose.

    Thanks kit and psychdoc for the compliments, I appreciate it. It is true though, I did learn the initial creditor direct process from Lexington. It has come a long way from there though.

    Jason, correct me if I'm wrong, did not Lexington stop its creditor direct process. I know they had poor results and were fading it out. Are they starting to do it again? You have posted info about Lex-Plus, but I haven't seen anything on it on the web.

    I would like to know, and I wouldn't want to step on any toes.


  12. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    I know you said you didn't have the time to do both yours and hubbys credit repair, and neither did I when I started this journey. Frankly I'm too cheap to go hire a firm to do it, so what I did is everytime I sent out a dispute for myself I sent one for hubby WITH mine. I did 2-3 items for each of us at a time. None of the CRA's ever denied the dispute, plus this way you're only paying for ONE CRRR.

    I have had great luck with it. Just an idea.
  13. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Great idea PsychDoc!
  14. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    I've posted extensively on here with my good results with Junum. I've also read what happened to others.

    I will tell you that they did a fantastic job for me...I was lucky though and connected with 2 people there who I was able to contact at the first sign of anything and felt comfortable doing so.

    I had something like 22 deletions, or was it 26, between me and my husband...

    My ex' wife had used my SS# to have a credit party and we had a lot to deal with. What I couldn't do, they did...

    Now, that said, I have to say I am only reporting facts...for me, this is what happened and does not diminish the risks others faced and dealt with.

    And, they used my support statement on some other website I've never used..which is interesting...with some other name for the website...go figure...
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ...MORE...others had "GOOD" accounts DELETED...
  16. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Right, but I believe the original poster (many moons ago) said hubby had no good accounts to delete so that problem not a problem so to speak.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

  18. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: ICR lawsuit

    The lawsuit against ICR was settled out of court.


    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Re: ICR lawsuit

    Maybe I linked the wrong one, but there is a new one. I just got papers two weeks ago, they are due back in August.
  20. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    I thought he was really Robin Masters!

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