I sent Asset Acceptance a CRRR letter for validation on April 3. I still have not gotten the green card back, but I have gotten a letter from them saying that they are in receipt of my letter and are "ordering" the documentation. How can this be that I didn't get my green card back? And does it really matter since they sent me a letter stating that they had received my letter? I really hope they'll just go away since the OC was actually deleted from all my reports (on Exp. it only took like a week!). One more question, I'm disputing the Asset tradeline on my reports. Since I've requested validation from them, they can't verify with the CRA's right? So shouldn't it be removed after the 30 days?
Come on folks are you going to tell the poster they're off their rocker? How dare they question about a green card!
PO is slow getting the green cards back. I think it is just a low priority for them. They do keep copies, so give them a few weeks and if you don't get it, call the PO for a copy. The PO you call is where the letter was delivered, not yours.
The OC is Helzberg. I never thought they'd remove, since they appeared to be reporting every single month. Also, I'm kind of confused by lbrown's response. Did I say something wrong?
No, you didn't say anything wrong. I can't comment on the green card. I'm censored. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PS I see nobody has answered your question.
Asset did the same thing to me. I sent validation in Nov/Dec. Never received green card back. Post Office had no receipt of it except I sent it. Got a refund for it. Sent complaint to BBB. Asset acknowledges that they received my validation letter in Dec. Yet I never got the green card back and the post office has no record of what happened to it. I think it may have gotten mixed up in the christmas rush. But, Asset verified that they received the letter. So, go figure. llbrown59 thinks it's a conspiracy with ca and the post office. I was thinking along those lines too until everyone pointed how ridiculous that theory was. But, you never know....... Correct me if I'm wrong, llbrown59
I worked for the post office, and LBrown, yes YOU are off your rocker. Green cards are so flimsy and small they get stuck in magazines ALL the time. That's what happens when a company is understaffed and letting machines do 90% of the work.
If it's within the "initial 30 days" and in a perfect world, yes. But good luck with that one. They will verify till they're blue in the face. Sorry, I just hate them.
I See they still haven't answered this question for you. Must be because they would rather bash me instead.
1*I wish the DAs on the board would get it through their thick skulls that it's not my theory just because the post office told MIL that NCO could have intercepted 2 green cards at the receiving post office.They told her that at least 3 different times.Why don't you tell the postal service that they are nuts for suggesting such a thing? 2*You stand corrected-but you don't have the guts to admit it do you?
I have to ask the following question. Let's see if you're smart enough to answer it correctly. How does the postal service telling my mother in law that NCO could have intercepted 2 different green cards at the receiving post office imply that i'm off my rocker as you claim?
LBrown, That was not even the situation I was thinking of when I said you are off your rocker. In fact I was thinking of your 2 line posts, your picking apart one post to make it 17 posts of your own, your raging about how unfair and unnecessary FICO is, how you were a slumlord and felt it was the tenants responsibility to repair the home YOU own, the fact the you call Doc, DOCK, which is something you pull the boat up to, your response to almost every post that says something like "what does that have to do with it?" or "just because there is a signature, a full printout of all accounting, and the creditnetter in question has said they do owe the bill, does not mean it's REALLY theirs". THAT is what I was thinking of when I wrote it!
I went back and re read all 8 cases I cited.There was nothing in the post where I tried to charge anybody for any repairs. Just what makes you think I was a slumlord?You really have me stumped on that.!
LBrown- If that's the only part of my post you disagree with, then I am willing to recant, that part. However, if I recall correctly you shut off someone's water. Also I do recall other people making the "slumlord" comparison.
The only thing I can figure from rereading the cases again is one or more of the following makes one a slumlord. 1*If a renters wife leaves him that makes the owner a slumlord. 2*If a tenant leaves all the doors and windows wide open & runs the A/C 24/7 it must be because the owner is a slumlord. 3*If the owner refuses to pay the garbage company to hall away junk worthless appliances for all the renters friends he's a slumlord. For the posters that called me a slumlord at least tell me why you feel that way! ?????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????
LBrown- There I said it again. I am not going to continue a pissing match with you. You have stated how you felt about renters, and you're entitled to your opinion, but so am I. I apologize to the board for responding to these assinine posts, but I promise this is my last response to him, at least on this post