Hi creditnetters, as many here, I once had great credit and due to some unfortunate circumstances in 97 I crashed! Now I am rebuilding my credit and am considering being put on two of my mothers excellent credit/bank card accounts (Fleet, BOA) as "Authorized User" to possibly help assist in re-establishing my credit file/score, the dangerous part of this is in 97 I had unpaid chargeoffs with both of these institutions and have successfully had them deleted/disputed off of all 3 credit files through the bureaus, I know the SOL is 4 years here in Texas so I am not too worried about legal recourse however I am worried that by my name being put on any of their accounts might wake a sleeping giant and they might re-enter the listings on my credit files and/or update them, or even WORSE cause some kind of problems on my mothers accounts and I dont want to get burned! should I forget about this stunt? any advice or experience you can offer me on this is greatly appreciated! thanks.......
I think I would ind another AU account to be put onto. I recall someone saying that one account may be forced to pay for the other, if your name is associated with the 2. I don't know the odds of this happening, or if it would happen at all. Personally, that's fire *I* wouldn't play with.