PayPal Transfer help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nave, Apr 24, 2002.

  1. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I must be missing something. I used to be able to add funds to my paypal account from my credit card and then transfer them to my bank account. I can not do that anymore. Am I missing something?

    Help, I just want to transfer funds to a bank account to cover a check that may bounce. Thanks.

    -Peace, Dave
  2. cfand3boyz

    cfand3boyz Well-Known Member

    Not sure. Why don't you call PAYPAL? Their number is:

  3. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    You still can. Log into your account and go to the withdraw tab (it is below the send money tab top left area), you transfer from there (it gives you that option anyway). It takes a few days to go into your account though :(
  4. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Yeah on Withdraw I get:

    Transfer funds to your bank account
    3-4 Business Days Free!

    But I can not get money in my account FROM my CC...I am caling PayPal now...CF, thanks for the number.

    I appreciate the help.

    -Peace, Dave
  5. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Just hung up with PayPal they say it is no longer an option. You can not transfer money FROM your credit card TO your PayPal account. You can ONLY transfer funds FROM your bank account.

    Oh well I signed up for C2it Maybe I can get it taken care of that way...I would hate to cash advance this with a fee.

    -Peace, Dave
  6. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Please let us know if you find a service we can do this with. I tried to do it with Paypal last week but no go. Now Mastercard is droping 3rd. party firms such as Paypal.

    I think the CC companies are cracking down on this. I tried to buy a money order for $10.00 with a CC and they won't take the card. They offerrd to do a cash advance though.
  7. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    It looks like will let you do this. The only problem is it takes 3 or 4 days to set up the account then 3 or 4 days for the transfer so I may not get it done in time. I am expecting a huge check on Friday so I will probably just wait and chance the check slearing time. Ahh the perils of not having steady paychecks.

    -Peace, Dave
  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Call your bank and ask them to help you out. You made a mistake.
  9. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    I have been using C2it to move money from my Citi credit card for a few months now. It is a two step process - move money from cc to c2it account, then move it from c2it account to bank. They will not allow you to do it in one step. It is very easy to use and very fast. Takes only a minute or two. The problem is that it takes about three or four days to show up in your bank account.

    Citi does not charge for the transfer if it is within the US. It counts as a purchase, not a cash advance when the money comes from a Citi card.

    One warning: Others here have said that a lot of other credit cards are counting this as a cash advance, not a purchase.

    I tried Paypal yesterday for the first time and was not impressed. It took three times to get it to work. Very time consuming.
  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    C2it: Cards that are still charged AS PURCHASES as of (date), with rewards

    Click Citi Platinum Select® 11/10/01, 1% cash monthly plus Amex Blue-like price/warranty protection
    GE Rewards (now owned by First USA) 10/01, up to 1.4% cash back on first $10K
    citi dividend platinum select 11/01 1% cash back
    Paypal Mastercard (up to 1.5% back)
    Fleet Cash Rebate (up to 2% back)
    CapitalOne Visa Platinum 01/02

    Cards that are now charging as CASH ADVANCES as of (date)

    Associates Citgo Preferred 9/01
    MBNA cards ? 7/01
    Fleet Titanium Card 11/01
    US Bank Northwest Airlines 12/01
    Nextcard 12/01
    First USA United 12/01
    Shell Platinum card from Chase 11/01
    US Bank Northwest Airlines 12/01
    Associates Visa and MasterCard 9/01
    Phillips 66 MasterCard 9/01
    Verizon Visa and MasterCard 9/01

    Cards that DON'T WORK (aren't currently able to be added to c2it):

    Farm Bureau Bank Visa 12/01 (up to %2 cash back)
    Nextcard VISA
    Chase credit cards
  11. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    If you have another half, you can paypal money to them from your credit card and then have them paypal it back to you to transfer into your checking account. I think the transfer takes two or three days like has been mentioned, but its an alternative.

  12. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    Funny Thought

    ...just occurred to me...

    Isn't this a form of "money laundering"??? j/k

    Quick question...I noticed Capital One Plat Visa mentioned in Breeze's message. Would this (by default) apply to their Gold card (or other C1) as well?
  13. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    Once you set paypal up, it works pretty well. Although it's still a long way from perfect.

  14. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Yeah works great, but still can't transfer money FROM a credit card anymore. Also I owe a thanks to someone who emailed me with help that informed me you can not even GET money from a credit card via Paypal (when someone sends you money) unless you have the PREMIUM service...which takes 3% from each transaction...AHHHHH NOW I UNDERSTAND IT ALL!

    C2it will do all the transfers for free. I am now signed up with them.

    Brief update though...I called the bank and found that the check had already cleared.
    Most of the time I worry for nothing. :)

    Thanks for the answers and help everyone.

    -Peace, Dave
  15. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    To clarify, If I use the Cap One Platinum, it goes as a purchase? And how can I verify this?

    Also, If a person had a charge-off with Citibank, could this be a problem for them if they use this service?
  16. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

  17. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Hermit, this info is from the message board. It was posted by a C2it user, just like we do on here. As far as Citi chargeoff - I have no idea, try it and let us know.

    I do trust as much as I trust creditnet.

    They are building their own database of info re cards that work with C2it, like we build our own databases on here. They use it for reqards points - that's one of the main focal points of that board - how to max out rewards. :D

    Another good board for that is

  18. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Breeze. I've been to

    I'm off to now.


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