I was wondering which credit card companies dont verify your income, do most of you say you earn more than you really do?
I have MBNA, Citi, BOA, FirstUSA, and Next and none have ever verified my income or employment. I have read here that Generations Bank does verify employment and income. It would be wrong to mistate your income. No one here does that. One problem I see in mistating your income is this. In bankruptcy (if it ever came to that), the creditor could argue fraud and the debt would not be discharged. One thing to keep in mind is that the creditors freqently ask for "household income". Don't forget to add in spouse, dog, etc. That is a safer bet than mistating your income.
Re: Which Credit Card Co. Dont veri I have a Citibank, and they didn't. I, too, would be concerned with companies that need to verify income, not becaue I'm lying to them, but because it's diffcult to confirm. I freelance, and for a recent loan application, I had to bring in tax returns for the past three years. ellen
Re: Which Credit Card Co. Dont veri I've never had to verify income or employment. Citi did ask me for a copy of my phone bill to verify address though (I guess maybe because it's not in my name? *shrug*)
Cap One and Providian have never asked me for my income, which I find odd. Does anyone think it would help if I faxed/mailed them a copy of my W-2's for the last couple of years?