Rich's Account Need Advice

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CuriousGeo, Apr 25, 2002.

  1. CuriousGeo

    CuriousGeo Well-Known Member

    I had a Rich's card in 95 and it closed in 97 and I paid off the debt since it was mine. However I think this is the nail in the coffin for my score... Any letters you can think to send to have this removed? Goodwill letter won't work because it's closed... Basically I was an employee and this was an employee starters card.... Need some ideas...

    Is there anythign I can do with this?


    Closed/Current, was past due 180 days.

    Status Details:
    This account is scheduled to continue on record until 5-2004.

    Date Opened:12/1995
    Type: Revolving
    Reported Since: 12/1995
    Date of Status: 04/1999
    Monthly Payment: $0
    Last Reported: 02/2002
    Responsibility: Individual

    Credit Limit/Original Amount: $100
    High Balance: $234
    Recent Balance: $0 as of 02/2002
    Recent Payment: $0
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I woul send a dispute letter to the CRA stating that this account was paid and never late. Often times they won't verify these...escpecially since its five years old and a closed account.

  3. CuriousGeo

    CuriousGeo Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reply whyspers. I've enjoyed your posts these last couple of weeks.
  4. CuriousGeo

    CuriousGeo Well-Known Member

    Re: Rich's Account NutCase Letter?

    I spoke with a CSR of Rich's and he said "hypothetically speaking" if my friend who has a closed credit account with Rich's wants to change the tradelines, that the hypothetical friend could wait until their credit score is somewhat highter, re-open the account and the previous account tradelines would be removed... Then they could close the Rich's account and it would be changed to closed by consumer from closed by grantor...

    hypothetically speaking of course....

    Do you think I should try the NutCaseletter??
  5. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: Rich's Account NutCase Letter?

    I defaulted on a Rich's account, which they eventually closed. One month after paying off the balance, I asked for the same account to be reopened. It was reopened - but the previous history was NOT erased. Having said that, much of the previous history was not even being reported anyway. I had multiple 90+ day lates on this account - but they had only reported 3 or 4 times 30 day lates. Eventually, I will call them and ask for a goodwill deletion of the 30 day lates.

    In your case, your account notes are so old that probably the bad info would be deleted since I'm sure they've purged their records by now.

    If you re-open it, none of the past bad stuff is held against you in terms of account benefits. I went from a $200 credit line to a $3500 credit line in 18 months, by calling every three months like clockwork requesting an increase. It helps my utilization scores.

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