where do i start?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by booglyboo, Apr 25, 2002.

  1. booglyboo

    booglyboo Member

    ok, thx for listening. I'm looking over my long credit reports and see alot of incorrect information. I've read that i shouldnt do a "blanket dispute", but there is so much wrong that I don't know where to start. My current address is wrong, my employer is wrong, the number of open accts are wrong, the amounts are wrong, some are profit and loss write-off? I have a paid chargeoff"? been paid, never late...so much crap to wade through on my day off.

    Is there a method to this so I don't get lost?
    I'm ready to dispute but, don't know what parts to try first. Any help is appreciated.
    I'm a newbie here!
  2. sweet21510

    sweet21510 Well-Known Member

    My suggestion would be to first read the sample letters, and then do searches on validations, verifications, deletions. read read read and you should get a good idea where to start. Once you do I'm sure everyone will be glad to continue giving input .
  3. booglyboo

    booglyboo Member

    from what i gather, I don't want validations. I want either verification or deletion. :p

    Should I go after the old easy stuff first? Should I call? Should I fax/write only? I've been reading christi's "intent to sue" and lizard kings "nutcase letter". These look promising. I think I'll try to be nice then slowly work my way to psycho.

    I'm writing now a simple letter. Asking for verification first.. I want all information associated with this acct..etc etc // I'm trying to be nice but it's difficult to hold back.
    thx for your reply,
  4. booglyboo

    booglyboo Member

    here is Equifax Credit
    PO Box 740256
    Atlanta, GA 33074
    April 18, 2002

    To whom it may concern;
    This letter is a complaint. I am alarmed at the inaccurasies that I see on my credit report. I ordered the "3 beaureau reports" from Homestore.com. I therefore, ask for any and all information pertaining to CREDIT MANAGEMENT and THE COLLECTION TEAM be fowarded to me a.s.a.p. These agencies are reporting incorrect information about me. Please help by sending any documents you have regarding these companies, bearing my signature, to the above address -as soon as you can and remove them from my file.

    Thank you for your help,

    ///////////////////a letter I am drafting. What do you think? boo
  5. booglyboo

    booglyboo Member

    asking too much? lol
  6. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Uhmmm, boogly, I think you have the wrong idea here. The credit bureaus do not ask for and by law are not required to obtain documents pertaining to accounts listed. They would not have the documentation you are asking them for and are not required to obtain it for you.

    You *don't* want verification, because then the tradelines stay on your credit report. You do want deletion, but often times the only way to get that is to request "validation" from the collection agency reporting the tradeline. This is where you ask for documentation showing that you have an obligation to pay the debt, along with statements of the account to make sure the amount they are saying you owe is correct.

    Good luck with it!

  7. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member

    Regarding your personal information, address,employment,name variations,etc... I just did mines yesterday, all I did was call the CRA's directly and they made all the corrections over the phone.

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