Citibank reporting (go figure)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Calypso, Apr 25, 2002.

  1. Calypso

    Calypso Well-Known Member

    On Ex they stopped reporting in November

    On TU and Equifax they are reporting my new
    BT before the statement closing date--
    my last balance is zero and I was planning to pay this off before the cycle closed. 5 days after the BT, the amount is already reporting

    Isn't reporting mid-cycle before your closing date inaccurate?
  2. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    Mine stopped reporting on EXP in early September. I faxed them and they responded three weeks later, promising to report. It still has not updated. EXP swears that they are not getting anything from Citi. Citi claims they are reporting every three or four months.
  3. Alex_I

    Alex_I Well-Known Member

    My 2 citi cards have not updated on EXP since December..
  4. Ellen

    Ellen Active Member

    My Citibank has not updated since December either. So, I called Citibank, and asked them why. They told me that they only report to TU, and TU is supposed to update the other CRA's. They said it wa a problem with EX, and I should give EX a call. I asked if they could report to EX, and they told me that they pay TU and they would have to pay to report to EX, so they can't do that.

    I talked to EX, adn they said "Citibank is lying to you. They have to report to us directly." She told me that I could dipute the balance, and promised me that even if Citibank didn't respond, they wouldn't delete the tradeline, they just wouldn't update the balance. So, I put it in dipute. I hope I didn't make a big mistake.

  5. thomas

    thomas Well-Known Member

    Ellen: It is interesting that Citi gave you an answer totally different from the answer they gave me. It sounds like they are saying whatever pops into their head at the time.

    The point is this. They did report at one time and the last time they reported, my balance was very high. It has been paid down substantially since then and that fact should be reflected in my credit report.

    Having said that, I am hesitant to rock the boat because Citi has been treating me well lately, giving me some flexibility I did not have before. I will leave this alone for now. I have no intention of applying for credit anytime soon, so it really doesn't matter.
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Citibank updates for me every month on TU and EQU, but they haven't updated since Decmeber for me, HOWEVER they update for my hubby on EXP and he's the AU.
  7. KK

    KK Well-Known Member

    I am an AU on Citibank Choice account and they report EVERY month on the balance that I have. From the end of Novemeber to the end of March, I have periodically done balance transfers. Citibank has reported each month the increase/new balance amounts. Are some of you paying your balances down? I check Experian and Equifax regularly and the correct balances are there every time.

  8. wolverine

    wolverine Well-Known Member

    I think KK hit the nail on the head. If your balance is going up, citi reports right away. Start paying it down, and all of the sudden they forget to report. Nice scam that keeps you from getting a better score and getting those pesky 0% bt offers from citi competitors.
  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Exactly!! I noticed this trend a while back. I have had CL increases and paid down balances, and Citi has not reported at all for me, but my Mom, who is AU on the account - is updated regularly.

    I like my Citi card, but doing this is as bad as what CapOne does with not reporting limits.

    I think what I wll do, is get one more CL increase out of them, and then pay the sucker off and wait for them to update my reports, LOL. I have lots of open credit that does report, so my ratios are fine, but they're ticking me off.

    This is what they do because they want to keep us as customers??????? Sheesh!!
  10. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    Last update on Experian 09/2001 for my two Citi's.

    I disputed one of them as an incorrect balance and the account was totally deleted from my EXP report in 30 days!!.
  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    LOL, I disputed, and they have it as "transaction disputed by cardmember" - then they reported it as in dispute to the other two CRA's. My scores went up!!! LMAO!!!

    I finally faxed EFX, and disputed a PRM inquiry in March '02, when I opted out in November '01. And I told them I had no dispute with Citibank, that they had been misinformed. Waiting to see what their response is <snicker>

    They're all on drugs.
  12. Calypso

    Calypso Well-Known Member

    Well breeze,

    I believe this is one of the reasons they fought to keep credit scores cloaked in mystery.

    The CC companies knew that consumers had finally wised up to APRs and double cycle billing and annual fees and whatever else they had come up with.

    But we had no clue about the multiple ways that they were sabotaging our credit scores.

    Now that we are figuring out these tactics I hope that
    people complain.

    I agree. My 3 favorite credit card companies are Amex, Citibank and BofA because they have
    always treated me fairly and rewarded me for loyalty.
    I think that their cards are fantastic and that their customer service is outstanding.

    However, Citi and Amex's reporting (especially to Experian!! I suspect that they are in some sort of battle with Ex from veiled comments reps have made to me) is frustrating and the 1st thing
    that Citi or Amex have ever done to disappoint me.

    I think that Amex is working hard to correct their reporting. TU and Eq seem pretty up to date. I don't know what is going on with Citi and Amex at Experian. Fortunately, it isn't hurting my score right now, but I know 2 people whose scores have tanked because of a brutal Amex, Citi Cap 1 triple-punch.
    (If the reporting was accurate, their scores would be 70-80 points higher)

    I work very hard to manage my credit. All I want is for it to be reported accurately.

    I don't think that is asking so much.


  13. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Well said!

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