I have been getting the same error message for 2 weeks. "We're sorry! We are experiencing unusually high volumes and are unable to immediately process your request. We have captured your order and our system will continue to retry processing attempts. You will be notified via e-mail when your order transaction has been completed" I have been emailing them about every 2 days. Finally, yesterday I got a response. "We don't know what is wrong with this account. Please call us." I called this morning and found out, after being on hold for more than 30 minutes, that Credit Watch causes a soft inquiry. When you pull your own credit file it generates an "encounter". Each time you order a new report, the program has to go through all of the inquiries (which I have zero) and all of the encounters before it can score. My file is too long to score because of all of the encounters Credit Watch has generated. There is no way to fix it. Equifax's solution.... "We will issue a partial credit of the $69.95 if I can get a manager's approval." I already disputed it through AMEX and got an instant permanent credit for the charge. I was so aggravated. If anyone else is getting the message above, this is what it means. Lisa
Unreal! They are offering a service they cannot provide. They say you have the service for one year and can pull your credit report any time you like. Sounds a bit like deceptive advertising to me. I haven't been able to pull a report in 8 days. I get the "we experienced a problem with our system and are unable to open your credit report for viewing. You may want to try back later" or some such thing. I know what the problem with the system is...I sued them so now I can't check my credit report. Grrrrrr! L
Yesterday some people noticed 2 soft inquiries for every report & score they pulled. I checked mine last night...4 inquiries per request! I'm gonna call them later about this. EQ may give you the real fico score, but their service seems no better than CreditExpert's after all.
Oh, sorry...I'm talking about Credit Expert. Can pull Credit Watch fine. Never checked how many inquiries it pulls. L