Long story short, I got a 15k FUSA visa signature card. Reported with no limit. I sent PFB and emailed CS that I wanted to get the limit reported. Phone CSR says "we can't report a limit because the card doesn't have one. A couple of weeks later the card shows up on my cr's with a 4k balance and 0 cl. My score tanked 20 or more points with each CRA. I paid and cancelled the card right away. Today I just got a letter from FUSA apologizing for my inconvenience and stating that they were alerting all three major CRA's that the card had a 15k limit. Moral of the story, if you get a visa signature card or world mastercard, yell and scream to get the cl reported before you use it.
Does that mean the cancellation is null and void and you get the card back? or just that they will report it with a 15K limit but closed by consumer? If you get to keep the card Congratulations. Great Job. If not, at least you got your point across to them and they heard you. -Peace, Dave
I already cancelled the card and cut it up. I'm swimming in credit right now, so I can live without it. It was really nice to see a cc give a rip about customer service though.
Holy cow! I have a bunch of accounts (four or five) that are reporting zero credit limit on TU. It doesn't seem to be affecting my score though...or is that wishful thinking? I was thinking they were just using the high credit used to base score on. L
unless your high credit is close to your limits, it's KILLING your score. revolving credit ratios (not installment ratios) are a KEY DRIVER of credit score... wishful thinking. Get them corrected. the bureaus will accept letters from the creditors (even made out to you) with your limit... they won't take statements normally. why I don't know.
To clarify-- You have had success with CRA reporting limits if you get a letter from the creditor? Does this include Cap 1? Was it all 3 bureaus? Thanks in advance.