I found this page referenced on another web site dealing with cross country bank and thought that it might be of interest to some here. It is a page from the Better Business Bureau regarding AGFC, a collection agencey. The interesting thing is the additional trade names also listed on the page. 1st USA Credit Card American General Financial Center Applied Card Systems Berkely Federal Card Services Center Cross Country Bank First USA Visa Merrick Bank Partners First Travelers Bank United National Bank Has ccb aquired a few new companies? I was aware of applied card systems but had no idea that they had any interest in the others listed. Based on cross country's history anyone considering any dealings with the above listed companies may want to think again. The site can be found at http://www.heartlandbbb.org/Reliability_Report.asp?compid=4003663
They also have d/b/a's and/or bought out: First Dewitt Bank Ocean Independent Bank United Bank of Philadelphia