A lady tries to use her husband's card today...the cashier said "WE NO LONGER CAN TAKE CREDIT CARDS THAT AREN'T YOURS"...she had a "HISSY"...so I go to the register...I ask her if her husband is in the store or in the car...nope he's at home, asleep. Long story short...I start to tell her about the bank can issue her a card with her name on it....HELD UP HER HAND AT ME (TALK TO THE HAND...OR STOP TALKING) DON'T TELL ME ABOUT CREDIT CARDS...I KNOW ALL ABOUT CREDIT CARDS!!!! THREW HER VISA CHECK CARD AT THE CASHIER!!! Even if we went by the "OLD" rules...last name matches...take it and write license # and name on our receipt...wouldn't work in this case...DIFFERENT LAST NAME... KEY OF THE STORY~~~SHE KNOWS MORE THAN ME ABOUT CREDIT CARDS????????
If it really is her husband's card, she should be grateful. And then again, maybe it wasn't her husband's card...........
I wanted to ask her how many cards are in her PORTFOLIO... What interest rates she pays... What is her total credit limit... ...BUT THAT WOULD BE RUDE...WE WOULDN'T WANT TO DO THAT, NOW WOULD WE???
So let me get this straight: Scenario: I walk into a store, attempt to purchase an item and use a credit card that has a females name (I'm a guy) and the last name does not match mine, and I'm supposed to expect the cashier to accept the credit card? Oh and to top it off, my wife (who I claim the c.c. belongs to), is conveniently asleep at home. Can we say "I DON'T THINK SO!"
Hmmm...I always used my husband's (then fiance's) credit cards and we had different last names. My children also have different last names and use my cards...lol. As long as they can call and verify that you are an authorized user, they have to take the card. (okay...George knows more about this than I do...but that's what the Disney Store told us when they wouldn't let hubby use one of my cards that he was not an au on). L
We have 1-3 second satellite authorization...and when the satellite is "DOWN" we call an 800#...but you DON'T talk to a person, (unless the account is "FLAGGED") we get a 6 # code...turn the SUPERVISOR KEY...PUT SUPERVISOR # IN, AND 6 # CODE...all done. We have NO access to ask questions about the account...we MIGHT be able to call the 800# on the credit card (IF THEY WOULD TALK TO US)???
I use hubby's all the time. No one blinks an eye. Just don't try it with the Target guest card. I have to submit to fingerprinting to use my own! Anna