Okay Guys this is the step by step instruction to make this work. 1. Login to your credit report. 2. Select the negative item to dispute. 3. Go thru the step of the reason disputing. 4. Submit the dispute. 5. You will receive the message that account has already been disputed blah, blah, blah. Do you want the review you report. Stop here in this browser. 6. Open a new browser from the current open browser. 7. Enter the url that KHM gave us. 8. You will receive the message about ERROR 500. 9. Hit the back space key. 10. Go back to the orginal browser in step 5. Now review your current report. Everything should be in blue for a current investigation. worked for me!!! Hope this helps.
OK - I admit it. I am computer illiteriate!~ See, I can't even spell it! What does #6 mean, and how do you do it? Anna
If you are using the internet explorer go to file, new, window. This will open a new browser (window).
Has anyone figured out how to keep the investigation in progress even if you log off and re-enter Credit Expert? Essentially, I lose the "Under Investigation" status when I re-enter my report.
No, it didn't. It will turn blue for that particular session, but no investigation is initiated. If you log off & then back on, you'd see that no investigation is pending for items disputed that way. Saar
It helps you get around the "this item has already been disputed" message when trying to dispute previously verified items via CreditExpert website.
I was able to print the page showing the items currently investigated. After the 30 days I will then send a letter stating that they did not respond to my investigation with 30 days, please delete.
Unfortunately, EXP will not have a record in their database of your "artificial" dispute. They will just say that you edited the web page using Adobe or some other HTML editor to create that "illusion". I too wish that your recommendation would work also....