I know we all have our opinions on the credit card companies we do business with. Cap One was superb today - yes - Mr. Cooke. I asked to have another card consolidated into the Platinum Card. After 2 expected denials from Reps, I emailed PFB for Mr. Cooke. He called me first thing this am, told me it was a simple and reasonable request, but he may need to issue another card... He called back this pm, with the good news that the cards were now consolidated, he closed out the older acct requested, and put a larger limit on my new Platinum Card - which is in the mail. I don't know why I need another card (acct number) but it was great service. Down to carrying 2 cards: AMEX Green Card Cap One Platinum Mastercard; They cover it all. The amazing thing was, when Mr. C and I talked, I told him I spent $5-7 month on AMEX, and about $500 on the Cap One Plat. He said he wanted to get more usage from me on the Cap One card - LOL - and take a bite out of AMEX! Hilarious...! (You never know - if AMEX refuses to upgrade me to a higher card at the 2 YR mark this summer, Cap One may get all my business.) Hope this message finds you all in good spirits! arf arf scratch arf - dogman
Congratulations. I have always had great experiences with Mr. Cooke too. Husband just got approved for the platinum card. He called as soon as he got it and Mr. Cooke doubled the credit limit. He also told Husband to call back in 6 months. He wants to keep a relationship with both of us. He says that he will personally review our accounts every 6 months if we call.
Its clear that Cap One realizes that it's own customers get better and better credit. It was actaully astonishing to hear a bank the size of Cap One telling me how much he appreciated my/our relationship. He also was clear he wanted more business LOL! Fine. Hey it works. Best regards, dogman
Way to go Dog, I was gonna PFB them over exactly the same thing. You just reminded me that I need to do this. I've had this card over a year and am getting bombarded with pre-approved cap1 platinum offers so I think it should be a reasonable request as well. The ONLY reason why I would fight to keep this card open, is that it is my oldest open card. Thanks for the info and congratulations on the success. Bark at ya later. Peace, Dave
Hey Dog! Glad you're making way with Capital One. They are providing you with excellent service but the thing that bugs me is.....why can't you get that sort of service out of customer service from the jump? Mr. Cooke said it himself that your request was "simple and reasonable". So why is it after being denied twice by reps, you have to break your neck and send a PFB to get results??? I think that's bunk in my opinion. You should be able to get "simple and reasonable" requests out of customer service! But hey....whatever's cleaver.
Hey Nave! Hey MP! You know you are exactly right , and I knew I would have to move up the chain....hmmmm! beast regards - dogman
DOG, Thanks for the reminder. The PFB letter to Mr. Cooke got me everything I needed. Including increasing my limit and will combine everything into Platinum when I get the card. He is expediting my card to me overnight UPSS too. I SENT IT TODAY TOO, he called me within 3 hours of my PFB letter. He is a truly an excellent customer relations executive...I am and will continue to be a loyal Capital One fan because of his service (and Mr. Miller's in the past). Anyone needing to get started with credit rebuilding should consider Capital One over some of the other sub-prime banks I read about on this board (not gonna cast any dispursions without it happening to me directly). With Mr. Cooke's help, they treat their customers who pay on time with alot of respect. Thanks again for the reminder Dog! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfffff! -Peace, Dave
Dave, let me make sure I'm understanding...you combined all of your Cap One cards onto a new Platinum card that you just got? I now have two Platinums, and a gold Visa that was combined with my gold Mastercard (kept the Visa and closed the Mastercard) and a KMart card. I'm wanting to close the KMart card, but combine the Visa onto one of the Platinums and also combine the one platinum with the other platinum. Last time I spoke with Mr. Cooke, the accounts platinum account was too new and I hadn't received the second platinum as yet. My scores are much better now than they were a couple of weeks ago though....any chance? Thanks, L
Yes there is a chance. From what I understood from Mr Cooke, he needs a limit of $5000 on the non platinum cards, to "convert" to platinum. This would not require a platinum to begin with. Had I been close to that, he would have increased my limit to $5000 and converted. However, he can combine the existing VISA into an existing Platinum card thereby leaving only 1 account - the Platinum. He also informed me (and this was my biggest concern) that he could make the length of time (history) of the account remain the longer of the two. -Peace, Dave
Man! He told me the opposite, Dave. When he combined my gold visa and gold mastercard, he said that the history of the account would remain the same. The visa was a more recent tradeline (although they were within 6 or 8 months of each other). I guess I'll try PFB again when I figure out what the heck I want to do. L
It may be different to combine master card and visa than combining 2 visa accounts. Also my Classic Visa is almost 18 months old...that may account for something too. Whyspers, contact him and find out...he is most excellent to talk to. All I know is that I told him what I was looking to do and he put me on the path to get me everything I needed/wanted. -Peace, Dave
That's exactly what happened to me - apparently you need to create a new card to "roll to." They didn't overnight mine - arrffff! - but he did say my new card was on the way. Dave - I also believe they won't do this if you don't have - as you said - around or near $5000 total available credit limits. Funny, I click paid the balance outstanding on the card while Mr. C was checking how to do the transactions - I told him I just paid and he looked, laughed, and said he saw it! aarrffff - dogman