Hi All! First would like to say this board is awesome and hope someone is able to help me. Ok, first fiance bought an auto using Ford Motor credit in '99. We split up shortly after that and he allowed them to have it repo'ed. Back together bought a house 2 years ago and had to pay some debts. Paid Ford Motor credit off for settlement of $3000. Working to repair credit starting this year even more and noticed that account still listed on report unpaid in the amount of $7000 two years later. Confusing part is we paid to Risk Management but when we call we are transfered to Allied Interstate. We asked why? We were told that risk management in Flordia(?)was shut down for mishandling accounts. Account was then given to Allied. Allied shows that it was never paid along with Ford Motor credit. However Allied nor Risk Management is listed on reports,only Ford Motor credit. In March '02 sent info to Allied and Ford that Risk Management accepted settlement and check was cashed. Never received any phone calls nor paper from either companys. Called back to Allied and they state that nothing would show up in report for another 6 months and don't expect sooner.Now this on report has caused us alot of large interest rates on home and credit cards. Question is can I have this removed becasue of mishandling and if so can someone please inform me about how to state the letter along with any violations if any. The letter I sent in march to companys stated that this has caused high interest rates and wanted it to be corrected on reports, I faxed the info to companys and not certified mail if that means anything. Sorry if alittle confusing,hard to explain with 5 children home sick. HA Thank You for your help in advance. Momof5 Ford states on report charged off/ bad debt Eq-568 Ex-599 Tu-508?
Bump! Anyone please, can I do anything with this? Thanks again. I guess what I'm asking if this has any violations that I can work with to have it removed from record. Based on mishandling? Or to even to go about having corrected.
Personally what *I* would do is this: Write a letter to Ford, send it certified return receipt, and also via their website. Try to write this letter without making mention of settlement or PIF. Something like, this account was satisfied with Risk management in 99, and since then your company has not made any effort to reflect the proper status of this account on my credit reports. I have made several attempts to have your company fix this error. The result of your negligence has caused me higher interest rates on (insert what you have bought since it was paid). To avoid a costly and lengthy lawsuit for FCRA violations I am suggesting that this account be deleted from all credit reporting agencies you subscribe to. Of course, fix as you like....