AmEx is now gone from my Experian report - both the green and blue cards - vanished!! I had transferred the balances on my other cards to Blue for the intro offer, LOL. There went my debt..... I think AmEx and Experian must be fighting over their new reporting system. My CE score went up 29 points - for whatever it's worth, LOL. Still feels good.
Isn't hidden debt great? I checked today and yesterday and my Amex is still showing. Last updated February 2002. What is wrong with the Experian and Amex's relationship? Is there a reason most peoples tradelines are disappearing? And how come Amex will update monthly on TU and Equifax, but not Experian? I think I need to call the CBU. Dani
Fantastic!! hehe. I think it has something to do with AmEx's new software - or so I hear. It scrambles the account numbers, for one thing. Who knows? It's good for me!! Interestingly, the Blue account is only about 3 months old - and they managed to report as soon as I did the BT, then did not report again. I think I mentioned that Citi is doing something similar - they update for my Mom (AU) but not for me - still showing high balance and low limit that no longer are accurate. That's why I appreciate the AmEX deletion so much. Several cards have not updated, and that balance is really on there twice - so actually this puts my score where it should be.
I have an Amex Charge off due to drop off next year deleted from Experian as well. Didn't change my score, but I am not complaining. :->
There's your hidden LOC! Was this only on Experian or all 3. Were I you, I'd be celebrating by hmmmm.... going to the beach this weekend ) -Peace, Dave
Mine did too. I had validated with Amex and they sent me a letter asking for my social and account number. I haven't sent it to them though..
Only Experian. The other two are pretty much up to date. Great celebration idea!! Now if the weather will co-operate!! I got a new beach chair too!! <packing beach bag>