TU just finished a dispute of mine where I didputed several paid items (student loans) as obsolete, and while they deleted 3 of them, but they have changed the rest from: >Status as of 11/1997: Payment after charge off/collection< to >Status as of 04/2002: Payment after charge off/collection< Even with the removal of three out of the 8 removed my score took a nose dive from 689 to 574!!! : ( How sad! Anyway, obviously this is re-aging and should I call them and complain or do I need to do this in writing after I get the dispute results back from them in the mail?? I really don't want to wait for this to be done! If I can call and complain, does anyone have a contact there who might actually do something immediately?? Please anyone who had to deal with this let me know which is the best route to go... I am fuming right about now!!! : ( Thanks!
Equifax did the same thing to me during my disputes and my score plummetted also..I feel your pain. I was able to get the items deleted next round...I did not get the items "un-reaged" (a word you could ONLY make up after going through this process). If I remember LKH had a good TU contact via email, although it was a few months ago...I will see if I can find it, and I will email it to you if I can. -Peace, Dave PS You will have to turn your email on (see ACCOUNT above) in order for me to email you...when you do, your email address will still be hidden, the board software actually does the sending.
Thanks you so much! I have turned my email on. I think I will call and give it a shot because I am just so annoyed! Has anyone had success getting things changed over the phone after a dispute? They have just made it worse. Thanks again.
An email contact is fine. I am a much better writer that I am speaker!! And I may be able to throw a little re-aging legality into that email! I want my 100 points back!!! ARGHHHHH!
I was doing a search for letters to the CRA regarding re-againg of accounts after a dispute, but I can't seem to find any and I know I've seen some before.. searched under reaging, re-aging letter, etc. Does anyone have any saved they could post for me please? I am going to email or fax TU and I want to word it properly. Thanks in advance...
I'm missing something here....where are you seeing that it was re-aged and with TU...who can even tell if they re-age? The status as of is basically the same as Experian's verified on date. Has nothing to do with the purge date, which I understand TU keeps separate from the credit report. We don't see purge dates on TU as a rule from what I can tell. Might want to call up and specifically ask what the purge date is. L
TU actually has the Verified Date as 4/2002 AND the >Status as of 4/2002: Payment after charge off/collection<listed for each item. (Original Status as of date was 11/1997)... I am assuming that the new status date change is what made my score drop over 100 points... : ( Nothing else has changed. I am a very unhappy camper right now.
TU's scoring reads that date - it does affect your score. Very effective way to discourage disputes. They didn't actually re-age, but it has the same effect.
Breeze, now I have noticed that, but its hard to argue against because it doesn't have anything to do with the purge date. Since the scores are supposedly proprietary and they do not have to disclose information about how they come up with the scores...I don't see what can be done about it. I don't think talking to TU would make them overhaul their system...so I think it will take someone dedicated enough to see it through with a lawsuit somehow...if there is even a cause of action. It stinks though. L
Here's the scoop... after speaking with one rep on Wedneday (absolutley no help) then a supervisor who said they'd call back and didn't, today I finally spoke with someone who took the time to listen follow my reasoning which in turn helped me to see what the actually problem was.... Before the dispute i had: Verified date: 3/2002 Opened Date: 4/1996 Closed: 11/1997 >Status as of 11/1997: Payment after charge off/collection< (FAKE) TU Score 689 - No recent derog. factors After dispute verified I had: Verified date: 4/2002 Opened Date: 4/1996 Closed: >Status as of 4/2002: Payment after charge off/collection< (FAKE) TU Score 574 - Recent derog factor. I can't believe I didn't notice it!! They removed the Closed Date which effectively turned this into a current account, recent derog!! The rep. told me that when it was verified they must have left out the closed date and that's why it's using the 4/2002 status date to calculate the score. So the rep put in a "dispute" to have them report the closed date. We shall see. At least they removed 3 of them!!! Only 5 left to go! (student loans) I knew I wasn't crazy!!
Nice Work Kat. Hopefully this will resolve the score issue...maybe it will drop off entirely this time -Peace, Dave
Yep. A Fair Isaac rep confirmed directly to me that on certain trade lines the very act of disputing will cause the score to go down. One example is when there is no dla or closing date... BUT, what really bothers me here is that there was a closing date but TU took it off... effectively punishing you for disputing. Then, they expect you to wait 30 days to get them to fix their own error. While their score is bogus, when you feed the TU data into a real score, it's going to have the same effect. Apply for something now with the real errors showing and get denied... FRankly, I'd send a demand letter and sue them over this. This is their error, their issue, and they're continuing to punish you. If you have the fortitude, sue them.
Marie, I totally agree with you! The rep I spoke to tried to tell me that when it was verified that the creditor provided all information again and neglected to supply the close date. (Hmm...) So whether TU took it off as "punishment" or the creditor resubmitted the information and neglected to submit the closed date... I don't know. But I will give it the 30 days and then raise HECK if it's not fixed!!