I'm a "very dependable borrower". Just picked up 15 extra fico points to get up to 745 on Equifax, a new personal best. Sadly, no one uses equifax if you live in CA, but I'm still happy. Pat and Jason, where are you guys, we should compare equ. notes one of these days. You're still killing me using TU, but I think I'm sneaking up on you with this one. BTW, thanks Christi and Doc. Wish I had found you before I refinanced.
Hey wolverine, Congrats on the new personal record. I am currently at 739, off of a high of 763. Would love to do an EQ comparison with you and Pat. Once we know if Pat wants in, lets follow the same format as the TU comparison that Pat and I did and start a new thread. Pat's TU score is still killing mine as well, but I've made up some ground. So Pat, are you in?