Has anyone here gotten a Chase card with 1 negative? It's a settled R5 from 1998, what are the odds of me getting one?
not sure - but - is it reported on all your credit reports? Chase checks TransUnion - maybe your report there is clean?
whyspers, Chase *always* waits. I've never seen them give an instant online. I would call their credit dept directly (I've posted the 1-800 number here, if you search for "marci reshod chase") and ask about the status of your app.
Thanks, Marci. I just tried to call (okay...maybe its a little soon to do that...lol) and the options say you have to wait at least three weeks if you haven't heard anything you can then speak with a representative. Guess I'll have to work on that patience I'm lacking...lol. L
No, you don't have to wait three weeks. Just skip the "press this" options and wait until someone picks up. Then ask. They should know in 48hrs to one week.
Chase is hard to figure out. When I applied a little over a year ago, I thought all of my reports were clean save for 1 30 day late. I decided to apply for the Chase Platinum and received an instant online approval. They pulled TU. A couple days later, I decided to check my TU report and low and behold, there was an incorrect charge- off that I had disputed in the past and had been removed. It must have been re-inserted. I was shocked that I was even approved for the Chase card. I immediately called TU and it was removed, but I was still surprised nonetheless. Chase is selective. I can't explain how I got the card instantly, but there are no complaints here. I can't really direct you too much, but there is always a chance. Good luck!! :-D