Mr. Cooke makes Capital One

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by CuriousGeo, May 2, 2002.

  1. CuriousGeo

    CuriousGeo Well-Known Member

    This man is incredible. He called a few business hours after I PFB'ed. Although he couldn't help me because I'm still in the process of recieving my card, 6 months from now I have no doubt he will be there to assist my needs. This man is the what credit card companies should strive for, understanding, compassion, and fairness.

    Thanks Mr. Cooke.

    Curious Geo
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    He is the BEST!!!! He just rolled all of my account except the KMart card into my dolphin sunrise platinum card with all the benefits! Let me tell you something...I can't imagine not being a Capital One card holder. They really, really treat their customers well!!!!

  3. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Re: No so fast...

    Not so fast...

    I am not bashing Mr. Cooke, rather I am writing about my recent dealings with Cap 1.

    Last Oct. I spoke to Mr. Cooke about upgrading my account to a Plat. card. He told me on the phone that he will look into the account and call me back. I waited a week and no return call. So I called him again and we spoke, he said that he would have to pull a cr on me for that kind of request. I figured what the heck, so I consented. A couple of days later, he called and said sorry no upgrade due to the 1996 bk-13. What he can do instead is bump my cl an extra $300.00. So my current cl is 3k. and my scores are all in the 650 range.

    So for my request I received a $300.00 increase and a hard inquiry.

    I have a perfect payment history with Cap 1 since Oct. of 1996 (my first cc post bk-13).

    I feel that Cap 1 has not given me the respect that goes with a perfect payment and excellent usage history for close to 6 years. I recently saw a friend of mine who just completed a bk-7, he was alreadly on his second Cap 1 cc (Gold and Plat, not sure what cl).

    To add insult to injury my APR was moving down every two billing cycles. On my last cycle my APR went up! I have also never received any other credit card offers from Cap 1.

    I will pay off my one and only Cap 1 card and retire it to the 'sock' draw. Since it's my oldest tradeline by far and I thank them for giving me a chance.

    In all fairness Cap 1 and Mr. Cooke have done wonders for most people here on Creditnet. As a matter of fact I have given Mr. Cooke's phone number to two people with Cap 1 issues, one was resolved and other one is still pending.

    I guess I am not one of the fortunate ones to deserve better treatment. No matter Cap 1 will lose a prime customer come Oct of 2003.

    Best regards,
  4. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Re: No so fast...

    Mirage, give it another shot. Send another PFB and try again. What can it hurt? Just don't let them pull a hard one this time. Several weeks ago (or maybe closer to six weeks or so), I had asked for basically the same thing I asked for now and he said he couldn't do it. Don't know what changed, but it sure worked this time around. Won't need to ask them for anything else for another six months at which time I'll probably shoot for a lower apr.

  5. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: No so fast...

    Hey Mirage! Sam - it cracks me up how some of these cards are "scored" You had wonderful luck with Providian, I believe, and I ended up dumping them and paying them off before they raised me to -(I think it was) 23.99% - after perfect use.

    AND you are right - OCT 2003 - here we come!
    AND, AMEX, I want a Plat Card or I will obtain a new Diners Club!

    amazing - dogman
  6. phylisrn

    phylisrn Well-Known Member

    Re: No so fast...

    I can't get Mr. Cooke to delete a couple of legitimate errors on my reports!!! Now I have resorted to the BBB and the Attorney General off ice of Virginia. I had a charge dispute in January of 2000 and of course when you dispute a charge you don't have to pay it until the dispute is settled, the charge was eventually removed but Capital one reported that I paid the acount late, but it wasn't late it was under dispute.

  7. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Re: Not so fast...

    Whyspers and dogman, thanks for the comments. At this point of the game, I am done with obtaining cc cards. Wife and I just refinanced our home with a prime fixed rate.Dropped our mortgage payments by almost $300 per month.

    And I owe this in large part to all the Creditnet posters and their wisdom.

    ps. dogman your right I've had great sucess with Providian. Funny how this stuff works. Btw, I think there is another Creditnet poster with an Oct 2003 celebration date.

    Best regards,
  8. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: Not so fast...

    Mirage - can you imagine that month's credit reports?
    Fromk mid to superb in one month!

    aarrfff - dogman
  9. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    Re: Not so fast...

    Mirage & Dogman..... what am I missing? Is Oct 2003 a 1 year or 2 year anniversary? Of what? Or is it your goal month?
  10. dogman

    dogman Well-Known Member

    Re: Not so fast...

    our chapter 13s and all bad creditors listed fall off our reports!

    yea baby! dogman
  11. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Not so fast...

    October 2003, when the moon is in the seventh house...and Jupiter aligns with Mars!

    A momentus event!! :)

    -Peace, Dave
  12. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Re: Not so fast...

    Yup, that's when myself, dogman and one other poster's bk-13 falls off.

    I think Chet's bk fell off recently, don't know if he posted what his post-fall off scores are.

    My goal is to reduce my debt to balance ratio.

    Not take on any hard inqs. (thanks to Doc that task might have been made easier).

    By Oct 2003, all my cc accounts will be at least three years old with my Cap 1 account at 7 years old.

    I've tried to dispute the bk-13 but no luck. I do have a great shot with TU as they keep verfying that I was dismissed as oppose as being discharged. So I may work on that again as soon as I close on my home refianaced loan.

    I will ask my mortgage broker if he will show my FICO scores and will post them here.

    This board has been blessing, for great advice and support. As I have written in earlier posts, this board providing me with the blueprint to improve my scores which has lead to a prime fixed rate. There is even indication that I might even be approve for a 150k loan for a real esate investment.

    Best regards,
  13. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: Not so fast...

    Hey no BKs, but my last bad tradeline is due to expire in October 2003- if I can't get it off sooner- so I will be celebrating with you... lol!!!
  14. nursie

    nursie Well-Known Member

    Re: Not so fast...

    You know, we're doing the same things right now. We're refinancing our house, & taking money out to do a room addition (hubby's a contractor). We're also hoping to buy another home soon (for about 150,000). We'll keep & rent out this first one.
    My only dilemma here is, should we get a home improvement loan, do the room addition, and then refinance? Or just refi now. The addition will add on greatly to the value. I think your scores are pretty similar to ours. Hopefully I'll be as successful as you've been.
  15. premeno

    premeno Well-Known Member

    Re: No so fast...

    This is my first post! I have been observing for a few days. I have just started repairing my credit. I kept reading posts about Mr. Cooke, and Capital One. I have had a terrible experience with Capital One, but frankly I don't know who to blame. We had three Capital One cards, I joined genus Credit Management in 1999, and put Capital one accounts on the program. Capital One agreed to the terms proposed. After the first two payments, Capital One sent the account to NCO Financial, they received payments on two of the accounts for 34 months, I settled one account through NCO, wish I had known about my rights back then, the man called me at work repeatedly! Anyhow, I contacted Capital One to find out my balance after paying for 34 months, they stated I owed what came out to be what I owed when I started! I went through several people at Capital One, they all said the same thing, all the money we paid went towards interest. Well genus says different, but lately I can't get them to answer my questions, so who knows. Capital One offered a settlement, but I wanted to make sure I owe what they say, so I sent a validation letter requesting every piece of paper on the account, well practically, so far no response. On the settled account through NCO, I sent a validation letter as well, stated how they had made several violations while collecting on the debt, so on. Now I just wait I guess, although the paid validation only has three more days. The others about two weeks. Really no questions, I just wanted to state my problems woth Capital One. Thanks all, Great site.
  16. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    Re: Not so fast...

    From the looks of your score, you are doing much better than me. :cool:

    What we did was obtain a mortgage in 2000. Refinance in 2001 and took out the equity for the home improvements. In 2002 the goal was to move away from the ARM loan to a fixed prime rate. I think our rate is 6.85% fixed for 30 years (I know for sure it is under 7%). This time around the vaule with the improvements did not leave much equity as the lender only took 72% of the appraised value. The mortgage broker is encouraging us to go for an home equity account. We have not decided on this yet, but if we set up the account now the broker will use our current mortgage file (no new hard inquiries). If we don't I will have my cc balance down to about 5% from a current 43% by year's end.

    Btw, this perhaps is the best financial shape I have been in for a very long time. Our 2003 goal is to start having a savings and educational plans for the children. I do have a standing appointment with an Amex financial planner to discuss the family's future plans.

    One other bit of advice, if you like your mortgage broker, keep them. This is third time around with them. The realtionship can lead to less hassles in the future.

    Hope this info will give you some direction.

    Best regards,

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