Looks like LKH was right concerning my Equifax post of yesterday. I just checked the status of my dispute on-line and I didn't get the usual dispute in progress screen. What I got was a completely brand spankin' new, absolutely clean, 100% negative free report, to go along with the other two. Yeeeeee Hawwwww!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you all for all your input concerning my one and only, pesky 6 yr old collection account. Now, lets keep our fingers crossed it's not reinserted when the tapes update. Thanks again, Jamie As of today...100% Clean
Congrats Jamie!!! I also have a 6yrs old paid collection on all three CR. What did you do to get them to remove the item. This is my one and only negative account. I need this removed on all three credit reports. Thanks!!
A friend (whom I am helping) had one collection left from '96. It was Purchased Paper LLC...we faxed an intent to sue letter and suddenly it was gone today (EQ reporting it only). Otherwise her report is great with low to no balances, very limited inquiries, history to 1984. The removal of that old unpaid collection from 6 yrs was worth 103 pts. She was 667 (started at 582 4months ago) and is 770 today. I did better on her Equifax than my own I know that's off topic, but just wanted to share what a great increase one old collection can be worth.
Did your score change? I had my next to the last derog removed from Equifax and my score didn't budge one way or the other. Stayed right at 633. Can't figure out why, but maybe the last one will bump it up a bit more. L
monicagee...I started this trek a year ago in Jan when I ordered my first CR ever and found this listed by the original creditor, an electric company. It was 5 yrs old then. No one ever contacted me about this bill and Iwas completely unaware of it. I disputed it with TU and Equifax and it came back verified. (Never reported to Experian.) I called the electric company and they couldn't even find the account in their records, so how was it verified???? I offered payment for deletion, but they wouldn't play nice so I told them to stuff it. They had nothing in their files but my old name, old address and SS#. How could they validate? They sold it to NCO real quick. With them I went through the ususal validation letters, and the intent to sue letter. They denied receiving the first dispute letter even though I had the green card. So I went right to the "Your silence in this matter is unacceptable, blah, blah, blah... Prove it or remove it!" No reply. They also put their ding on my report, so it was reported twice. I had them on several violations and they knew it. I sent a revised nutcase letter to TU and they removed it immediately. I just disputed Equifax when I noticed that NCO was gone, but now they were reporting under Marlin Intergrated. Same company! Did they think I wouldn't notice??? This was my last dispute. I disputed the OC and Marlin. They took the whole 30 days to delete. Taaa Daaaa! Clean at last! Actually, I was hoping it would come back verified. It was the last piece of ammo I needed to file suit. I probably could still get NCO on violations, but I'm not going to stir the S**T pile if you know what I mean. If they reinsert, I'm going for the gusto. I need a new kitchen! Good Luck Jamie
I haven't checked my score yet. I'm paying off alot of my balances this week. That will make a big difference. We are over 50% on alot of our cards, and I am AU on all of my husbands, so they also show. I probably won't have a true score until next month. Am I right? I'll let you know.
Jamie, did you send the nutcase letter to the 3 CRAs or to the collection agency? I have certify mail to the orginial creditor w/ nutcase letter and a followup with no success. Should I direct the nutcase letter to the CRA? Thanks!
I hadn't done anything with this since last year. In March I ordered credit reports and found the new dings. It was only listed by the OC before. Now it had the OC and a dup for Marlin on Eqifax and the OC and Inovison on TU. This was after all the validations and estoppel were ignored .I sent the nutcase letter to TU March 6th . They deleted it within a week. I haven't noticed it being re-inserted. I didn't even send it certified. I took a chance and disputed with Equifax on-line. The usual Not Mine. They took the entire 30 days. Deleted yesterday. If you need more info, feel free to e-mail