someone have if they have only one credit card with a 4 month history...CL $200 balance $0. Never late 1 inquiry NOTHING else. My niece can't get her reports online so we can't see her score, she is wanting to apply for something else. Would she even qualify for anything else? She charged the Cap One to $200 paid it in full and hasn't used it since. She is only wanting 2-3 cards max. My brother gives her an allowance monthly of $400 (in college) and she works part-time. They make her car and insurance payment for her so she really doesn't need it for the usage, just to start building history.
macy's (any federated for that matter) then wait.. around 9-12 months your score will be good enough to get an entry level citibank AA card ..
Dillard's and Target when I was at 624 and got both. Not applied for anything else..score too low. I have a pending lawsuit against a CA reporting on my EQ and that will most likely be deleted and I have a suit again the EQ affiliate so I think I can get my 4 inquiries deleted as well. By then I *might* have enough to get something good.
Christi, I asked you on another thread...Amex Blue... what your status is on the CA lawsuits? I am very close to suing a few myself and wanted some poop. Charlie